Goes to show that churches have always been operating like they’re businesses. Not much a good act of faith if you exploit the vulnerable.
And we’re down to just Obama and Clinton as the last couple who gave a damn. The others are some of the most corrupted pieces of shit for presidents we’d ever know for the modern era.
Because of Google going out of their way to cripple YouTube in the name of advertisers, even going as far as to cripple Firefox’s performance just for using it because their videos would sometimes stop resuming, you’d need to refresh .etc
They aren’t seeing shit from me. I will use UBlock Origin as I please.
Nothing cool, of course.
So, we’re all CEO murderers? Shit, let me draw a CEO name from the hat so I can lay claim on my murder target.
I have spoken to a voter of Trump who formerly was in my circle. I honestly asked her what the reason was. Her answer?
“I just don’t like the other party.”
That was it. Now I imagine besides the obvious cultists, that people treated the general elections like as if we’re voting on two sports teams, that people had that same exact reason. “Oh I just don’t like that other party” all while having the blankest of stares, the breeze between their ears and the stoic walk of automated activity as they confidently and blindly voted for the wrong party.