I am not one of those children that clutches their pearls for family members to give what they busted their ass for away for free. My father just paid off the mortgage of his home. It is his.
And he paid it for over 25 years as people like us lived in and left it. It is just unearned entitlement for any of us to come to him, demanding or expecting something he earned through hard work.
And it is something generations after his wont understand. You try being 66 years old and enduring the grind for so long to finally have something like a home to yourself. And not have a thought of reluctance of just giving it away.
It is ironic considering how much of a clutch todays generations have with their phones. Does anyone think they are the kind to give a home away when it is paid off? You tell me.
At the end of the conveyer belt, there should be another belt with armchairs on them for the fresh graduates to plop on.
Well, no, because it was designed just to piss all of us off in the past two decades.
Right, Sega. You say as you cannot stop for the life of you, remind everyone about the Sega Genesis and Sonic.
Having a strong speech skill. I’ll have the silver tongue needed to talk and utilize etiquette to get what I need and want. Maybe even pick up someone too.
Shopping at Wal-Mart for example for clothes is one of the most underwhelming experiences I ever get. They did away with Fruit of the Loom shorts and even their cotton-branded shorts with AthleticWorks. Now there’s too many jersey sports like shorts and that’s all that they ever have. On top of that, all that they got for clothes is corporate branded shit and I don’t want to be a walking billboard for corporate. As well as those shirts with dumb sayings on them to try and appeal with people.
Shopping online is obviously better.
I’m only one person. I cannot fix all of these problems because these problems have to be fixed by a collaborative effort through a unified group to make anything we want work. I did what I thought I could by voting, I did what I could by spreading the message with my own voice about the things I know with what I saw going south in this country. But again, I can’t fix everything.
So, I can’t worry about things I have no power in fixing, as much as I’d like.