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It’s not about the actual level or rigor of education, just the perception. Unless the employer back in China studied in a German school they probably won’t know the difference and think it’s like any other western education. It’s more about name recognition and the ivy’s are “known” as the best and that sort of association probably boosts the perception of all U.S. schools. If anything students will want to go to the school with less rigor and that’s easier if an employers not going to know the difference.

Also English remains the lingua franca and the u.s. is china’s largest trading partner. There’s probably more demand for workers who can talk to and relate to English speaking clients then Germans. so if not the u.s. they’ll probably end up going to Britain , like the girl in the article, or Australia or Canada.


I read it as homeless people, not actually a crime but people associate the two so much that an increase in one “must” mean an increase in the other.


It’s on the non stick coating for a lot of pans and can easily flake off and be ingested if you damage it by using metal utensils. This is why you should never use metal on nonstick.


Also in the Caribbean it was seen as more economical to work the slaves to death and then import new ones. The conditions on those plantations made south Carolina look like Disney land and the average life expectancy was only a couple years.

In the American south there was more emphasis on keeping the slaves alive and “breeding” them to get more slaves instead of importing more.

This is also why the African diaspora population is a bit less in the Caribbean then in America even though way more Africans were brought into the Caribbean, most of them died before they could have children.


Doesn’t seem like they’re making better cars, the most innovative things he points out is a funky gear shifter… But that they’re making them more cheaply. That doesn’t seem to be because of any production innovation or finding some hidden efficiency that western companies overlooked, moreso heavy subsidies and state support combined with a cheap labor market. Hopefully this competition makes the west adopt the former and not the latter, but considering the current political environment we’ll probably end up with the reverse.

0 points

If I want to be blissed out until my body falls apart, I can do that now by turning my retirement account into a stockpile of fentanyl. I don’t think its presumed that intelligent civilizations all just do this, for the same reason I don’t believe modern human civilization will collapse on itself simply because we’ve discovered opium.

The key difference is that we still live in a society where, at least most people, have to work to live. If you spend your retirement on fentanyl the fentanyl isn’t going to be the thing to make your body fall apart, assuming you get pure shit and are able to dose properly and not od your body can handle that for decades. What’s going to tear your body apart is the poverty and deprivation of living on the streets after you lose your job. If you’re in a fully automated post scarcity society and you’re able to hook yourself up to one of these machines and live a long life I could see a majority of people doing that. Sure some people would object to it being meaningless, but in a post scarcity reality where God is dead, a robot can do anything better than you, and there’s no conflict or competition for resources there isn’t much meaning to be had anyway.


Inflation is not purely a boon to the capitalists and rich. If you’re a working class person with a student loan, or mortgage or any type of long term debt you benefit from inflation as the value of that debt goes down over time. Meanwhile if your the bank holding that debt then inflation hurts you as the bond backed by that debt will go down in value over time. So assets that are backed by loans (bonds) go down in value while assets backed by equity( % ownership in a company/stocks, real estate etc) are uneffected like you said. This is why a lot of capitalists favor static or even deflationary currency as the value of their bonds will go up while not effecting their stocks. Deflation for the poor though can result in debt traps, where the value of the debt you owe goes up over time and makes it impossible to get out of, which is great for banks, the longer your paying minimum payments and interest without touching the principle the better. This is why populists in the western u.s. demanded inflation in the late nineteenth century because they were drowning in unpayable mortgages, and the rich eastern bankers refused since they were raking in all the money from those mortgages.

Also you’re putting the cart before the horse, inflation is caused by a lot of things, but one of the main causes, and the main cause in this last round, is rising wages, not some government conspiracy. If we’re looking at the economy from a Marxist view that when an item is sold a certain amount of it goes to fixed costs, a certain amount goes to labor and a certain amount goes to capital. If say a toothbrush costs $5 , and $3 goes to fixed costs, $1 goes to the laborer who made it and $1 goes to the capitalist who owns it. Now say that laborer uses there new labor power obtained from unionizing or surviving a pandemic that put a lot of people out of the labor pool they can demand an increase in their wage, say to $2. This extra dollar can’t come out of the fixed costs, ideally it would come out of the capitalist share, but since the capitalist controls the price they will just raise that, and maybe add bit extra. So the laborer has to deal with increased prices, so they demand more wages which creates a feedback loop leading to ever increasing inflation.

In this sense inflation is the natural result of class conflict in a capitalist system where capital controls the prices. The government in this case is usually tasked with reigning in inflation rather than creating it. Early on in the Nixon years this was done through price controls and wage controls, neither capital or labor could increase there price. Nowadays it’s done through interest rates to cause or at least make people think there’s a recession so that labor will stop asking for higher wages.


According to wikipedia this is the less likely and imo less interesting explanation. They did find coconuts that are genetically distinct from the ones the Spanish brought over from the Philippines, but those ones are more distantly related to the ones in polynesia so they probably didn’t float over. Instead they are more likely evidence of pre-columbian contact of Polynesians with south and central America, along with sweet potatoes originating in South America but being present in polynesia and SEA prior to columbus.

So this would boot Columbus off the podium in people who discovered America.

  1. Bering strait people / native American ancestors

  2. Polynesian people

  3. Vikings, Leif Erickson

  4. Columbus


ultra-orthi battalions

That’s what they’ve been doing. They station them in the West Bank and they we’re doing so many atrocities that even Biden considered sanctioning the specific battalions , he didn’t actually do it because he’s a spineless coward, but he did consider.

For the sake of Palestinians I hope they split up these nut jobs.
