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It’ll probably be replaced with sales tax increases. Sales taxes are very well-known to be regressive.

Or think of “low-tax” Texas, where every other road is privately operated and charges tolls out the ass.


What is the charge? For operating a messaging platform? A succulent private messaging platform?


Other people have described the health effects, so I’ll describe the chemistry. Fats are made of long chains of carbon atoms surrounded by hydrogen atoms attached to a “head”, which is made of other elements or structures. Carbon atoms normally can make a total of 4 bonds. Hydrogen atoms can make 1 bond.

Carbon being able to make 4 bonds means that in the chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms in fat molecules, each carbon atom makes a bond with the carbon atom before it in the chain, a bond with the carbon atom after it in the chain, and then bonds with two hydrogen atoms separately off to the side. This makes a total of 4 bonds. If all of the carbon atoms in the chain are like this, that’s “saturated fat”, because the chain of carbon is completely “saturated” with hydrogen atoms.

(Hydrogen atoms are white, carbon atoms are black, oxygen atoms are red)

Saturated fats have the often desirable property of being able to be tightly packed together, and thus are typically solid at room temperature. Butterfat is mostly saturated fat.

However, carbon atoms can also make a double bond with other carbon atoms. If a particular carbon atom in the chain makes a double bond with the carbon atom before it, it could cause a bend in the chain of carbon atoms. In that case, it also means that those particular carbon atoms in the chain that have formed a double bond with each other only have 1 available bond left (after also forming a separate single bond with the carbon atom before or after it), so it can only bond with one hydrogen atom. These are, therefore, called “unsaturated fats”, and because they don’t pack together easily, they are typically liquid at room temperature.

If there is a single double bond in the chain, it’s a monounsaturated fat.

If there are two or more double bonds, it’s a polyunsaturated fat.

Notice how the hydrogen atoms connected to the double-bonded carbon atoms in unsaturated fats can be connected to either the same side or the opposite sides of the two hydrogen atoms. If they’re on the same side, they are called cis-unsaturated fats. If they’re on opposite sides, they are trans-unsaturated fats, or trans fats in short.

This is oleic acid, a cis monounsaturated fat commonly found in many vegetable oils:

While this is vaccenic acid, a trans-monounsaturated fat. It is found naturally in butter and human milk and is not particularly bad for you:

Note that this is NOT the same picture as the one I showed for saturated fat. The 7th and 8th carbon atoms from the left are double-bonded and, therefore, are each missing a hydrogen atom. The one remaining hydrogen atom on each is bonded on opposite sides.

Note that trans-unsaturated fats are also pretty straight. This means that they can also pack together with saturated fats to make a solid product at room temperature.

“Hydrogenation” is the process of adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats to saturate them. This means that liquid oil can be processed into a solid product. That’s how margarine and shortening are made. In previous years, partially hydrogenated oils that weren’t fully hydrogenated could leave substantial quantities of trans-unsaturated fats left in the product, but after health concerns, many countries’ food safety authorities banned these artificial trans fats. Fully hydrogenated fats consist of only saturated fats since they have been “fully” hydrogenated, and that is what food manufacturers have been doing instead.


If you can’t take the heat, get out of Ukraine.


“Biden supports [moderate centre-left policy] instead of [left-wing policy] so I’m not going to vote for him.”

“Biden is too old. At least Trump is energetic.”


This gets posted a lot, but nobody ever seems to post what the thing was.

The answer is probably “other hominids”. Humans (Homo sapiens specifically) co-existed with them for a long time and competed with them over resources.

Edit: and the genetically deformed (with whom it would be beneficial to not breed, at least from an evolutionary standpoint) and corpses or people with disease


Gonna be honest, if we take a look at the Boston Tea Party from an objective point of view, it was a dumb idea with terrible repercussions for Massachusetts. Great Britain shut down Boston Harbour, disbanded the civil government and put Massachusetts into martial law. If you’re gonna rebel, then rebel instead of doing this halfway shit that only makes the enemy aware of your intentions.

I know I’m going to get downvoted because I’m attacking an American founding myth, but really—what did the Boston Tea Party really accomplish?


The “liberal media” is not “tripping over themselves to talk about this like it’s some complicated issue”.

The Washington Post called bullshit:

U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon’s ruling is a remarkable win for Trump, whose lawyers have thrown longshot argument after longshot argument to dismiss the case. Other courts have rejected similar arguments to the one that he made in Florida about the legality of Smith’s appointment.

Cannon’s decision comes as Trump is preparing to be formally nominated as the Republican presidential nominee in this year’s election, with the Republican National Convention beginning in Milwaukee on Monday.

The legal theory that Smith was illegally appointed and funded has generally been considered far-fetched. Trump’s legal team didn’t adopt the argument in court until conservative legal groups pushed it.

This is as far as they can go in saying that “this decision is unhinged” while still maintaining their aura of objectivity. They’re not going to do it explicitly in the main article, that will come in the opinion pieces that will be released in a few hours, surely


Ah yes. How to get by without a job:

  • Fraud (false warranty claims)
  • Theft (stealing coins from vending machine)
  • Gambling (crypto)
  • Literally just self-employment (starting a drop shipping business/flipping things on eBay)