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Being a fan of engine/tableau builder, Wingspan really disappointed me. It’s not a bad game. It a very nice game, but the flow is average, at most.

Depicts some interesting ideas that push me to buy it with it’s first expansion (goal board, mix of engine and tableau building) it’s hugely luck based and the fact this game is rated 8+ on BGG, that tends to rate games mostly on advanced mechanisms and long run, is still a mystery to me.

I give it 5 plays with different peoples. Yet, I had no fun at all (I mean, zero… Watching flies around was the funniest part of my last game, sadly)… Then I played 51st State, which is a very good (yet not awesome) engine builder and have instant fun from start to end. The feeling of controlling things.

There are some highly rated games on BGG, and while I like some better than others, the ratings never seems off to me. Like “mmh, OK, I see why peoples like it”. But this offset has never been so huge with Wingspan.

So yes, I have it on my shelf, I watch its wonderful box like a disturbing mirror of my gaming tastes, knowing it’s praised by many, but I could almost try to find another table just when someone come up with the idea, while I usually really force myself to play games with different peoples because I know you will make peoples happy.

First time in my 20y of gaming, and it makes me feel so weird.

Thanks for reading me.


I and a friend are on the same boat. I think if you really can’t try the game you have to be open and consider a time to ‘catch’ it yourself. We buy and and play games that looks good. Most of them are. Few aren’t, but you have to be prepared that a given mechanic didnt catch with you, even games considered awesome.


It doesn’t work all the time. Troy dices is a wonderful game, yet I have watch many reviews and had to read the rules many times before understanding what the game was expecting from me. And it’s only at the end of the game that things clack and I instantly wanted to play another round.
