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I mean, there are seventy million of them out there, so collectors will be fine for a while, but… man, we really missed a step not embracing the crazy cool 3D display tech in these. I really loved it.

Also, point people at this thread next time Nintendo comes after the emulation scene, because… yeah, this is why.


I’ll give it to you, this is the most a Not The Onion post has made me go “wait, is that The Onion”?

Good job. I think.


Yeah, right? If you have to preemptively warn your elected party members to not do a racism or a sexism maybe you’re the party of the racists and sexists.

92 points

I am not here to opine on politics at this time. I’m only here to confess that I still, every single time, read that as “looking for group” first.


It’s probably worth highlighting that, despite the clickbait headline, this guy has not been affiliated with Sony or Playstation for almost twenty years, and these days he’s mostly an investor on multiple middleware and outsourcing videogame-adjacent companies.

Also, to his credit, what he’s actually saying is that he’s optimistic that people and the industry will rebound fairly quickly and may need to bridge themselves over to the next gig somehow. The other thing he apparently proposes is “go lay on a beach somewhere”. But he’s not saying that you should go be an Uber driver if you lost your games industry job, he’s saying it’s likely that your games industry skillset will remain valuable and you’ll find something else soon-ish.

I hate that media keeps making me do this and defend people I disagree with. I think there’s an interesting debate here about whether the gig-fire-hire-repeat flow of the games industry is good or sustainable, and about what alternatives there are. But if you go and clickbait this hard I’m kinda forced to point that out first and now we’re all arguing about what was said and not about the underlying issue.


Not only that, Valve has done a TON of work to outsource as much of the process of running Steam off to the users and developers. Self-publishing, a minimum of manual moderation, automated greenlight processes, automated ratings, database tags, controller configs…

Their entire business model is to make money with as little effort as possible. I’ve been saying for ages that people vastly underestimate how ruthlessly profitable their business is. We didn’t have the numbers, but we roughly knew this is what was going on.

137 points

“Under the age of 30”, huh?

Alright, nerds, just so we’re clear, that was more than 15 years ago. Assuming this is current, which it probably isn’t, that “53yo” dad was in his late 30s at the time, could very much have been posting about it when it happened. Given the current average age for having kids, “bumblebeebats” was probably wearing diapers by the time the Internet got to the point of entirely abstracting it to shapes. There is a longer period of time between loss.jpg and now than between the first rickroll and loss.jpg.

If it makes you feel any better, all of this is hurting me just as bad as it’s hurting you.


And DS9 is the conservative one with all the religion and the baseball and the war crimes and stuff.

TNG was run by a Frenchman who thought allowing bronze age species to believe in God was a barbaric act and went to bat as a human rights lawyer for an android who in turn let his first child pick their gender at will. All that while his polyamorous first officer was busy arguing against conversion therapy when pushed upon his trans nonbinary partner.


I have a 13 series chip, it had some reproducible crashing issues that so far have subsided by downclocking it. It is in the window they’ve shared for the oxidation issue. At this point there’s no reliable way of knowing to what degree I’m affected, by what type of issue, whether I should wait for the upcoming patch or reach out to see if they’ll replace it.

I am not happy about it.

Obviously next time I’d go AMD, just on principle, but this isn’t the 90s anymore. I could do a drop-in replacement to another Intel chip, but switching platforms is a very expensive move these days. This isn’t just a bad CPU issue, this could lead to having to swap out two multi-hundred dollar componenet, at least on what should have been a solidly future-proof setup for at least five or six years.

I am VERY not happy about it.


It’s a good argument against trying sleeper/generation ships.

In practice, though, the actual sleepers would be so happy to arrive to find a nice McDonalds and a charming small town instead of shuttling down into the middle of uninhabited Arrakis with a 3D printer and a prayer.
