Two years is a masters, not a PhD. Still worth doing.
A PhD thesis is approximately equivalent to someone working full time on a specific subject for four years, if you include coursework and such into the time.
This one confused me. Sliding the drink down the countertop is so deliberate and intentional. That doesn’t scream ASD to me. People with ASD can have meltdowns, due to sensory overwhealm etc., and be wrecking balls, but then the outbursts is more non-deliberate, and not intentional. Less directed.
There’s the whole ‘broken trust’ aspect, from the financial stuff. People don’t want to have sex with spmeone they can’t trust. Maybe she is also exhausted from working and taking care of your four children. Perhaps taking some load off of her by helping out more around the house would decrease the stress levels and make her more likely to be in the mood.