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Great take. But you know the real sneaky one that trips you up? File system.

I wouldn’t call myself a beginner, but every time I install a Linux system seriously I see those filesystem choices and have to dig through volumes of turbo-nerd debates on super fine intricacies between them, usually debating their merits in super high-risk critical contexts.

I still don’t come away with knowing which one will be best for me long-term in a practical sense.

As well as tons of “It ruined my whole system” or “Wrote my SSD to death” FUD that is usually outdated but nevertheless persists.

Honestly nowadays I just happily throw BTRFS on there because it’s included on the install and allows snapshots and rollbacks. EZPZ.

For everything else, EXT4, and for OS-shared storage, NTFS.

But it took AGES to arrive to this conclusion. Beginners will have their heads spun at this choice, guaranteed. It’s frustrating.


You might be interested in the unique looking designs on https://www.unihertz.com/ .

They’ve got some really tiny ones and some with physical keyboards even. I like the designs but dunno about their update commitment or hardware specs much.


This. Whatever can be used on devices without admin rights, such as work or school devices, for “free”, will get picked up by normie worker drones and college students and minors in droves.

It’s been pretty handy in a lot of ways, but yeah I do hate what it’s doing to indexable information and it’s only a matter of time before it goes for IPO and suddenly gets way worse seemingly overnight…


I can’t help but agree.

I hate things like patenting game mechanics and the RIAA throwing people in prison over mp3s, and everything Disney does.

But as an artist I’d also feel kinda, no, REALLY, shitty, if the second I put my human soul into something that got any kind of attention, it was (now legally) ripped off and everyone but me would make bank off of it.

Tshirts, plushies, videogames, a major corpo making a bugillion dollar movie. . .and very quickly nobody would even know I did it. But we still have bills to pay and all the rip-off sandfleas dropshipping my intellectual labor would say “Get a real job then lmao.”

How many games has Facebook or Zynga ripped off of small time creators and shoved them into obscurity just because they have the money and visibility?

Imagine how much it sucks to hear people describe your 5 year old work as “Oh that’s like a clone of that 2 month old Facebook game.”

Talk about punishing creativity. Everything would be like it is with AAA games and Hollywood now but worse: Trapped in a time-bubble of rip off fanfic of whatever hyper-consumer “fandom” that generation grew up with.

I think the people sincerely pushing this “eliminate copyright entirely” idea are the same “idea guys” that think prompting a robot will allow them to finally “tell their story” with the most minimal of efforts.

They’re fine with intellectual theft because the burden of forming one’s own personality not defined by consumption has already proven too great to bear.

…and their masterpiece will belong on the infinite trash heap of everyone else’s story that did the same thing…

TL;DR: Keep copyright. Fix public domain laws. Tighten the leash on corpos.


Did they execute the command on localhost or the remote? Because hey if they had privileges to root-nuke the target that’s gotta count for something right? Lmao


“Money isn’t a birthright” says political faction in favor of tax-free inheritance for its filthy rich members. More at 11:00.

EDIT: weird mobile correction typo


Bedtime mode completely monochrome here. Confused-and-should-be-sleeping gang rise up get that 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep!


And that’s just computers. Cars and phones, man, holy crap.

To take your fish analogy, it’s like “Well maybe 5% of your catch is NOT laden with innumerable parasites, but they’re the only thing that lives here and we gotta eat so…”

Edit: “But I heard there’s a new breed that not full of parasites!”

“Yeah but those don’t seem to migrate here and if they do they either don’t thrive or get eaten by these bloated monstrosities.”


Lol had to check what community I was in, but I can relate quite a bit sadly, in other online communities.

Post any sort of digital art, anywhere:

"Tutorial? Tutorial. How maek? Tooturihal?!?"

“Hey all, I 3D printed something!”

“.STL? STL? Wer STL!?! POST STL?!?”

(.STLs are the file format used by 3D printers and shared on places like thingiverse.)

The low-effort entitlement from people just zombie-scrolling and driven to thoughtlessly consume is soulcrushing.


I get where this is coming from. In the Blender space it can be pretty intense because it’s such a popular project, but I cringe so hard when I see these whiny posts like

“Why can’t the lazy devs just get off their butts and fix [my specific issue]?!?!”

People got so used to “customer-brain” they forgot how to be civil.
