Are that the same people who found Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction?
Asking for a friend
Oliver Slow? Really?
To buy a new bike nowadays you have to safe longer. So, you will be older and your eyesight will be worse. That’s why you need a bigger display. Easy explanation.
/s, I guess
Even skipped it back in the days when we were recording TNG episodes on tape. Fast forward and a magical chant of ‘Gene, Gene, Gene…’ to ensure stopping at Gene Roddenberry’s name as it indicated the end of the intro
Hmm, 1933 sah es verflucht ähnlich aus im Thüringer Landtagüringen)_(7._Wahlperiode)
Ich dachte, in den 80er hießen die noch SED? 😇
Handed back my model 3 leasing car in September. As long as they are the right wing nutcase is involved I will not buy anything from them again.