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26 posts • 12 comments
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I thought it was obvious this was the case. Twitter and Reddit are unhappy that AI language models have used all this data for training, but didn’t get paid for it. Personally I don’t even consider it “their” data to begin with even if they can claim legal ownership of it. But they want to get paid obscene amounts of money for data that was created by the goodwill of their users.


Middle Middle. The “True Neutral” of movie theater seat preferences I suppose.

OP is more like Neutral Evil.


I’m pretty sure they think of the person taking care of them as some analogous of a mother. We should be careful not to anthropomorphism their emotions as they are probably not quite as complex as we would like. They certainly have some degree of emotions though.

But they have no concept of “human” or “mother” so I would guess it is more like “thing stops hunger, thing warm, thing safe”. Thus they bother you when they are hungry, sit on you when they are cold and come to you when they are afraid.


So many movies and shows have phones being transparent rectangles that look like a piece of glass. It’s impractical for so many reasons from privacy to even being able to hold the thing.

Honestly I don’t think cellphones will change that much going forward. They will get more powerful. Maybe they will continue to replace other computing devices for people such as laptops, desktops and gaming consoles, but the form factor is as practical as it gets.


I don’t think I entirely agree with your point here and don’t fully understand what you are trying to say as it seems like you went on a bit of a tangent at the end there.

As for people not actually being stupid I tend to agree. If you could objectively test the inner working of their brain you would likely find that it is working just fine. They still have the ability to process language, spatial awareness and all that good stuff that makes a person smarter than most other creatures on Earth.

But due to some cognitive dissonance there is some tidbit of information their minds absolutely can not reconcile that leads to seemingly weird conclusions to a person that doesn’t share the fundamental understanding of that same information. All of humanity would probably run into this same problem if aliens suddenly appeared and explained the way things really are despite it being completely at odds with everything we know to be true.


I’m also convinced these are really just paid for by Apple ads. I’ve never seen anyone care about such a thing.


I wish people wouldn’t use Lemmy as a “link aggregator”. Instead of posting links to other peoples content how about having an original thought for once. Why is Lemmy acting as the comments section for some other website?


What is micromobility? I am unfamiliar with this term.


I’ve seen similar problems on actual escalators. It might not slice your fingers off, but if your arm was stretched out it would snap your arm off at least. But then again I have a phobia of elevators and escalators so it is particularly apparently to me. I blame that Resident Evil movie when the person got their head cut off trying to exit a stalled elevator.


Web pages of today have so much added on nonsense. It’s not necessarily data farming, but also the frameworks used to develop the website themselves. Modern websites are basically entire software running in the browser even when it is used to run a simple seemingly static page. The purpose of these frameworks is to make complex things more simple for developers to make, but then people end up using them in situations that might not call for it. I think there is a general belief that since computers keep getting more powerful that it is fine to keep making software bigger and less efficient.
