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Uncharted, especially the final installment. On normal and higher difficulty dealing with the enemies becomes a bit of a chore: they force you to hide a lot, as well as waste entire clips of ammo on a single guy. On easy the game becomes forgiving enough food you too start pulling off cool stunts: swinging on ropes, shooting during a climb/jump, etc.

It’s just more fun on easy.




I got my GOG Oblivion running with a mod pack by installing and running Vortex. I ended up using this utility: https://github.com/pikdum/steam-deck/

It allows you to install Vortex in your game Proton prefix (you have to run it at least once for said prefix to exist). Then, after installing mods through Vortex, you use the ‘post-deploy’ script to synchronize some files, and your game is ready.

If you are having trouble, there is also a guide from steam community: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941631681

The guide is for Skyrim, in my case it worked fine with Oblivion - I have to believe it should with NV as well.

Good luck!


There is an entire book called “A dictionary of obscure sorrows” by John Koenig, it’s all from there


I’ve been using Git professionally as a software developer for 15 years, and I think it sucks quite hard. There is always a dosen ways to do the same thing, it occupies tons of hardware space, it’s log is unstructured data that has to be parsed. Git CLI is an incomprehensible mess of bloat and misnomers, so no matter what team/project you are working on, there is always going to be 1-5 Git commands they’ll tell “you are NEVER supposed to use”.

I’ve completed my courses on Git, I’ve worked with CI/CD, onboarded younger developers, read “Git Koans”, and I haven’t seen even a theoretically convenient VCS until someone showed me Pijul.

Git is mess, it sucks that we are stuck with it, and every time someone says it’s the best VCS we have, it saddens me.


As a fan of HR and MD, I have the original purchased on GOG, but I’ve never played it. Are there any quality of life mods I should know before I drive in?


In a game, movie, work of literature or theater, your feeling of awe and immersion is maintained by something called the “magic circle”. It is an area of experience that is separated from normal reality by the proverbial 4th wall.

Everything inside the magic circle is filled with artistic purpose, it works (in good works) to drive meaning and communicate themes and ideas of the art work.

Whenever this magic circle is broken, you suspension of disbelief becomes overtaken by cynicism, and the immersion is gone.

Mundane life is full of this cynicism, because we are not conditioned (anymore) to find mundane reality purposeful, outside of really outstanding and dire situations. We take reality with it’s amazing graphics and narrative for granted, not noticing the magic.


I grew up in a family of medical doctors, it came with its own set of similar challenges. Every problem discussion always revolved exclusively around solutions or practical harm reduction. I suspect God forbade the doctors from talking just for emotional support.

Every problem I ever had (completely normal ones included) was medicalized and pathologized, neatly classified and wrapped in a set of actionable instructions: “this is how you get better, this is how you allow it to get worse”.

I still remember coming home from school and sitting down at the dining table, eating my sausages with buckweed, while my dad, mom and older sister discuss methods and techniques to install a urethral catheter in a person with a broken phallus.

It wasn’t good or bad, it was just weird I guess. Hey, at least I am not scared of blood/trauma/desease, and in a some cases I believe it allowed me to stomach helping people in need, when other people would turn away out of disgust or disturbance.

10 points

What is this, a Butcher for ants? He should be at least three times as big!


Outer Wilds, if you haven’t played already. Obligatory warning to avoid spoilers like your life depends on it, go in completely blind if possible.
