Sicher? Google zb hält 50 mrd in real estate: https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/google-7billion-realestate#:~:text=According to Forbes%2C Google’s current,worth more than %2450 billion.
Ich bin kein BWLer, aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das schon die entsprechenden Leute nervös macht.
France has been importing more electricity than exporting in 2022 because their nuclear reactors can’t perform in the heat resulting from climate change. And this is more likely to happen again as each year becomes hotter.
I’m not sure where this fetishism for France‘s nuclear energy is coming from.
Super Artikel, endlich auch mal einer mit Daten die leicht verständlich sind.
Da sieht man, welche Macht die 4. Gewalt, die Medien, in Deutschland (und auf der Welt) haben, und wie sie der nicht ganz gerecht werden.
Desinformationskampagnen aus Russland tragen sicher auch ihren Teil bei.
Billiger Artikel.
Oder besser gesagt, billige Headline.
Die Grünen machen sehr gute Arbeit, und die Medien täten gut daran, das auch zu würdigen. Die Medien sind nämlich mit schuld an der katastrophalen Lage, in welcher dieses Land sich befinden, und solche Artikel bzw. das Framing sind der Grund dafür.
Dann soll der Autor doch mal die Hosen runter lassen, wo können denn die Grünen viel mehr rausholen? Sie sind in einer Dreierkoalition, und sie sind nun bei weitem NICHT die Partei, die für das bremsen verantwortlich ist.
Weiter unten geht er auch darauf ein, dass die FDP und die SPD für die Misere hauptsächlich verantwortlich sind, aber was hängen bleibt, ist, dass wieder irgendwie die Grünen selbst schuld sind.
Einfach dumm.
What’s missing is what a huge difference the media makes. Once you control the media, you basically control the country, as can be seen in Hungary, Poland and Russia. All of these states have put in massive efforts to install their own cronies as media leadership, and you can see this happening in other countries too. Now it’s Italy.
Then on the other hand, you have billionaires that flood the people with cheap tabloid bullshit, of course to paralyze honest debates around things that actually matter (climate change, wealth inequality, etc) and instead refocus the populace on scape goats (LGBTQ rights, abortion, etc).
Far too often, „serious“ media fails to defend against the bullshit, and at some point will also report on these „issues“ as „this is what the country is talking about“. What they are ignoring is that this conversation is deliberately led by bad actors, and by picking it up they are legitimizing their positions.
Then they invite complete lunatics to discussion to provide a „balanced viewpoint“, when there is no balanced viewpoint to be had for certain issues: the earth is round, climate change is happening, and it is our fault. Period. There can be no further discussions on the facts.
The misinformation campaigns are massive, the astroturfing is massive, and is probably happening even here. It is too cheap and works too well to not do it.
What many posters in this thread fail to realize is that there is a very good reason why steam hasn’t been hit by the enshittification that otherwise permeates human existence in 2024.
Of course, Gaben as their CEO has the last say in it. And he’s just a good guy. But wait, aren’t there other companies that have good guys as their CEO and yet the enshittification persists?
The profound reason is that Valve is not a publicly traded company. They have no obligation to any investors to make number go up. They are a private company, they can do whatever the fuck they want. If they stay flat and keep paying their employees, that’s totally fine, and there is 0 pressure on them to change anything. THAT‘s why Valve seems like such a different company compared to everything else that’s out there.
Of course it’s still a choice to go public or not, and they have made the right call (for us consumers).