

2 posts • 9 comments
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Ultimately, I respect the dev’s choice to use whatever platform they prefer and certainly like the game enough to jump through some hoops to use Lemmy.

However, I’m like many others who are just burnt out on having a zillion separate accounts to sites with their own quirks where it’s just easier to main Reddit, even with its own faults because it’s the popular choice, and while it’s easy to lurk here, I admit I mainly only take the extra steps to log in and post here because I hope the dev will see it. It’d be fair for some folks to call me lazy tho.

The dev is great about listening to feedback and constantly adding new content so in this case, I thought it might be interesting to add some wholesome content instead of more kill-kill-kill. I don’t mean it as a complaint as much as starting a dialogue because I care about the game.

So for instance, the Monk is fun but never thought it made sense as a Duelist sub-class so it could be cool to break it out as its own player character and give it more pacifist conduct like in NetHack.


Yeah I haven’t played Nethack in decades so I’ve forgotten about stuff like that. SPD Monk meditation is the closest equiv to praying in NH. Mainly fish, crabs, and white rats can give you corpse meat in SPD.


Desktop old Lemmy… because the default theme for this sub has blinding pure white text over pitch black background which burns into my eyes and can still see it floating in the air if I blink or look away. The old Lemmy theme helps to gray the contrast a bit. I did try some other themes but they didn’t format the paragraph spacing well either.

Here’s what it looks like on my end…



Hunger can be tough in vanilla PD but SPD has a Horn of Plenty artifact, raw meat from creatures that can be cooked, frozen, or alchamized to be edible without bad effects, bland fruit that can be alchemized with seeds and eaten for their good effects, honey pots alchemized with health potions to replenish health and satiety, food sold in shops, and various character abilities like the Huntress finding berries and Monk meditation which all make it pretty hard to starve tbh.


Here’s the wall of text my post looks like with the normal paragraph spacing formatting. It does end the line before starting the next paragraph but unlike Reddit, there’s otherwise no spacing between them to make it easier to read.

"Thx for the tip on using honeyed healing. It never ceases to amaze me how there’s always something new to learn in this game even after years of playing SPD.

As for the backstory, it can be interpreted in a number of ways and is really just a carry-over from the original dev logically creating some good vs bad guys. The stories were then added as other versions grew.

However, it might be time to start thinking like a dungeon master that has more tricks in their bag than, “OK what should I give the players to kill next?” and reward them with more than, “Yay, I killed everyone I met!”… lol.

There’s also the matter of the Hero corrupting, enchanting, and conjuring other unwilling creatures to be fodder to kill for them which doesn’t make the Hero much different than the Dwarve King. They appear to be two sides of the same coin if the Hero isn’t actually helping, saving, or freeing anyone.

Finally, my other wish is that Lemmy would recognize paragraph spacing so posts don’t look like a wall of text which is why I add dashes between them."


I did, like Reddit, but the spacing is almost non-existent


Thx for the tip on using honeyed healing. It never ceases to amaze me how there’s always something new to learn in this game even after years of playing SPD.

As for the backstory, it can be interpreted in a number of ways and is really just a carry-over from the original dev logically creating some good vs bad guys. The stories were then added as other versions grew.

However, it might be time to start thinking like a dungeon master that has more tricks in their bag than, “OK what should I give the players to kill next?” and reward them with more than, “Yay, I killed everyone I met!”… lol.

There’s also the matter of the Hero corrupting, enchanting, and conjuring other unwilling creatures to be fodder to kill for them which doesn’t make the Hero much different than the Dwarve King. They appear to be two sides of the same coin if the Hero isn’t actually helping, saving, or freeing anyone.

Finally, my other wish is that Lemmy would recognize paragraph spacing so posts don’t look like a wall of text which is why I add dashes between them.


Thanks, old Lemmy’s text to background contrast is a bit better and works for me as I prefer to browse in desktop mode on all my devices and it’s easy to just update the bookmark.


Thx I’m aware of how to tweak modes and themes but it’s asking a bit much to change all my different devices and browsing apps just to change the default theme for this one site. It’s very rarely done by sites for good reasons so there’s been no need until now.
