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At this point, I’m almost convinced they purposefully gave him the chance to take his shot.


I’m honestly confused how she could write a story where Harry Potter triumphs over he who must not be named, when he who must not be named was her hero.

It must have been really tough for her.


Somehow, came upon Trumps speech from the RNC last night. Started reading random parts outloud. Ended up convinced all the Democrats have to do is run ads with all the incoherent crap he says.


Racist people have been repeating this story long before trump ever took office. My father, decades ago, was always telling me this is why the family dogs would dissapear. Apparently, once a year, some gang (of non haitians) would come to our rural area, and steal the neighborhood pets.

Of course, our dogs would get hit by cars or shot, but it would happen to coincide with less barking of neighboring dogs (nah, it wasnt cause our wandering dog wasnt bothering them anymore /s) or another neighbor complaining their dog was missing, too.

I always thought it was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, much less how the logistics worked out, but the story has been around for a very long time, even if some of the details have changed. These jerks have just co-opted another racist troupe to try to pander to their base.


And there is the real reason they made it OK to make homelessness illegal.

After they realized deporting illegal immigrants left fields to rot (see Florida, Georgia, and Alabama) they had to come up with a plan to make up the loss of labor, somehow.

I’m sure they figure 2 birds, 1 stone. Clean up the streets and make sure they have enough slaves to tend the fields. If you can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps, we’ll tie those straps to your feet and drag you with em.


One time, we all got hauled out to someone’s farm, for ag class, to watch pigs get castrated. A student was handling all the procedures until they got to the the likely prize show pig another student owned. The teachers husband took over and preformed the procedure. That likely prize pig, and only that pig, died that day. Rumor had it, that he purposefully botched the procedure so his own kid could win.

Im just sitting here wondering why this is making the rounds, except for this girl got caught. This is the par for the course and happens more often than one would think.


From the article:

A WIRED investigation shows Kofsky is also the person posting as PsychoticMammal. The account has posted personal details that precisely match Kofsky’s résumé, and has linked to a little-followed Instagram account dedicated to photos of Kofsky wearing preppy outfits. A review of publicly available material from data breaches provided by Constella Intelligence shows that Kofsky’s personal email address was used to set up a “PsychoMammal” account on a photography site. Furthermore, the PsychoticMammal name was used on Poshmark by a user whose avatar is a photo of Kofsky. It was also used on Tumblr by someone who linked to—and claimed as his own—a Blogspot maintained by a user named Aaron Kofsky, who posted personal details that match details of Kofsky’s biography.

Apparently, this guy left a huge trail… Edit: plus data breaches…


I agree with your premise, but from what I heard the union leader didn’t give a fuck. He said he wanted to speak at the DNC as well and went on about how nobody is helping the workers and they only help corporations.

Here’s a write up and video(there’s a link to the actual speech)

Labor law must be reformed. Americans vote for a union, but can never get a union contract. Companies fire workers who try to join unions and hide behind toothless laws that are meant to protect working people but are manipulated to benefit corporations. This is economic terrorism at its best, an individual cannot withstand such an assault.”


I think it depends on if he somehow becomes president or not.

If he doesnt, maga will die with him. If he does, all the rules will have been changed and all he needs to do is appoint next in line. Even if people don’t agree with the person he appoints, or the party tries to put someone else in their place, it will be too late.


Joseph Ladapo was handpicked by the governer during covid. The governor was fully aware of his views, and was chosen on purpose.

His policys from ending school quarantines to sending kids to school with measles, have been widely publicized. He even has been caught altering covid vaccine data to fit his narrative. The CDC even rebuked him in a letter .

Despite being found altering data, he was confirmed for a second term.
