Their surgeon general is something else
Wow! This should be illegal. The claims are barely or not at all supported by the citations.
At best the SG is uneducated and mislead or actively malicious at worst. Most likely, I would guess this is politically motivated due to the upcoming election.
Is this like an official government department?
Yes, it is an official government website (ends in .gov) and that is some prime antivaxx bullshit aimed to discourage people from getting vaccinated.
This is actively malicous and will result in more deaths and people suffering from long term covid. I hope that there is a method for suing to get that pulled down and action taken against whoever had it put there as public health officials discouraging safe and effective practices should be illegal.
If that’s the case, this is some scary shit. Who’s responsible for approving this? It s probably newsworthy that an official government body would put this up as guidance.
Joseph Ladapo was handpicked by the governer during covid. The governor was fully aware of his views, and was chosen on purpose.
His policys from ending school quarantines to sending kids to school with measles, have been widely publicized. He even has been caught altering covid vaccine data to fit his narrative. The CDC even rebuked him in a letter .
Despite being found altering data, he was confirmed for a second term.
I’m sad that children will be harmed by this but I sure hope their retirement community that marched for Trump and included a guy that said “white power” to a camera is reading and following instructions. In fact, let’s pass out flyers.
“Florida department of health” needs to be in quotes.
If we want to get technical, I assume the “dept” part is also a delusion.
No way these goons can maintain the typical function of a basic office environment. I bet you half the time employees get there in the morning and nobody has unlocked the door and nobody has a key, water cooler has been empty for 8 months and the power just went off because the person that was supposed to pay that bill was arrested last week after being caught with an underage rape victim that they “mentor” in bible study… Again.
I thought these wete inflammatory and over the top comments.
Its legit antivax stuff