My birthday is September 10. September 11 2001 happened. While I’m not directly affected, it messed me up mentally because I thought I had something to do with it. It didn’t help that the year after, I saw Space Shuttle Columbia on the launch pad in what would be its final mission.
I look like I’m straight out of school, sometimes people explain things to me like I know nothing.
Not that I think they’re automatically malicious. Sometimes I find myself in the “explaining” position because I think not explaining makes me sound I’m cooped in an ivory tower.
White buttoned shirt with short sleeves, dark blue trousers, black shoes
Would be a great chance to highlight their Indian-language dub staff.
Increasingly common Hoopla W.
Kanopy also has a good selection. They’ve got a few Sentai stuff and was surprised when I saw Amagi there of all things.