My boss also has a picture of himself as his wallpaper. 😳
Morning Sergeant!
Very cool! I really like the toggle clasp!
It makes so much sense that a Henson movie is one that flew under the radar for me. I never would have guessed they use the puppet effects on live actors. That’s so cool how well simple practical effects work in movies. I wonder how many we still see in modern movies and just assume they are CGI. The Borg Queen was one I saw on here a while back that blew me away.
This is insane, I never realized how much of this is happening right before my eyes! The one I posted was the first I notice on my own because it was as obvious as the Swedish Chef. I didn’t even get what Ummthatguy was pointing out until your post gave more context. Guess I was distracted by the bulge!
One of my favorite episodes of TNG for no reason other than the shot of Picard playing the flute with some other actors hands operating the instrument holes. When I realized they weren’t his hands I couldn’t un-see “Muppet Picard”.