There is the completely open source which would support that via their syncing and the authenticator note type.
Unfortunately it does not look like their free plan allows you to use that note type. So could also host it yourself though (and pay for the premium token their or hack it out - it’s foss). Have never done that myself though
Logseq: (PC, Mobil geht aber auch halbwegs) mein ausgelagertes Gehirn. Ein absolut revolutionärer Workflow, Notizen zu verfassen. Fast alle Notizapps sind gleich, die hier aber was komplett anderes. 10/10, rettet mir mit meinem ADHS-Hirn den Arsch und verknüpft gesammeltes Wissen auf neue Art und Weise
Bin hierher gekommen um Logseq zu nennen, baer obiges ist eigentlich so ziemlich das weswegen ich das Programm auch “nicht mehr leben kann”.
Well yeah but imagine you had to do that on most lines of the code? It would become very distracting imho. If you are in a team with people that have a lot experience and or will learn more anyway this is fine. But if you are in a team with not very good programmers which “will never learn” because they have other stuff to do, you should be careful when using code like this. Though I would prefer in the former of course.
While I did not figure out a solution yet, but I found out some additional information and came to the conclusion that nixos must have built something weirdly. Thus I posted on the nixos forum and will likely only update there:
Not at expert myself - but according to my sources including the German youtuber “Held der Steine” Lego is not the top quality brand. Sure the very cheap ones are likely worse, but e.g. the polish brand “cobi” has as far as I heard better quality (I mostly heard about the difference in colouring though).