It might be a bit overkill but I use Grafana to do this (with Loki). It’s a pretty involved setup as well, but you can filter and search by content, or date/time. It’s doable on a desktop but mainly servers use it
You mean I can okay modded Cities Skylines and be mayor at more than 29 fps? Sign me up!
Glass cups work unfailingly for me. As far as I know they don’t see very well, so once, I tried slowly lowering one over them, and have been doing it since. Nothing else needed, just wait for it to land near you on a hard and even surface. They so far have not noticed it until the cup was fully down. After catching one, I slide a thin paper/something under the cup, and take the whole thing outside to release it.
Well he did just say designing, so lucky there. I’ll send over some wireframes, sure