Big nerd. Big fan of cool open source stuff. Generally queer. (He/him)
Ew… 😬
There are! They’re not always super helpful, they just tell you one word from each difficulty, but it can be helpful to know that those words won’t go together, and whether a word is connected to others in a simple or more esoteric way. And sometimes the image can be a bit of a hint, but oftentimes not
Like the other reply, you click/tap on the lightbulb to the top right of the puzzle area :)
Puzzle #558
Really pleased with that. I needed the hint, there was a wrong answer I kept coming back to cause I thought it’d be cool
Thats honestly a super interesting idea…
We appreciate your hard work! I hope you’re able to get back to the place you wanna be with the Fediverse
What a fucking delightful piece of craftsmanship
A well written article, thank you for sharing. I think this did a better job of characterizing why people are so frustrated than most things I’ve seen.
There’s been lots of critisisms of how callus the collective response has been, but at it’s core, the anger folks have really isn’t about worshipping a killer, it’s about how humanity seems to belong exclusively to the rich. All while they systematically deprive the poor of their basic human dignity and at times, even lives.
Man, y’all know how to party- can’t wait to up the ante at Easter celebrations!