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PI currently working out of Oakmont, Massachusetts.

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A lot of these replies are tone deaf. Not everyone lives in a place where walking, biking, or even ride share is viable.


Not everywhere has decent, if any public transport, especially if they’re in a more rural area. And not every repair takes less than a day to fix.


I wouldn’t say it’s as good as the RE2 remake, but it’s a fun little ride and I enjoy playing it. Like I said, it’s really short, and from what my friends who have played the original say, it cut some areas and isn’t quite as faithful to the original as RE2 is. To me it’s a nice little supplement to RE2, since it also takes place in Raccoon City, as well as giving more to Jill’s story in the RE universe as a whole. I wouldn’t recommend buying it full price, but if there’s a good sale I’d nab it.


Still wading through Diablo 4: Season 4. I have one more objective to get all the rewards for the season, but I gotta choose between beating Uber Lilith, Tormented Duriel, or Tormented Andariel, all of which are a bitch to fight. I have all my glyphs upgraded to the absolute max, and most of my items are in a good place, but I need to go through The Pit some more to upgrade them further, but it’s such a grinding pain that I get bored quickly.

Diablo 3: Season 32 started this week, and I decided to go with a Necromancer after the disaster of a time I had with the Witch Doctor last season. It’s only been a day, but I’m already feeling better about this round.

Finally finished Subnautica! While the last stretch was a little grindy and tedious, the ending was nice, and overall, I’m really glad I stuck to it and made it through. I can see myself revisiting this in the future, if nothing else that to see how building different bases in different locations would affect how quickly I could get things done. Or to just see what amazing base I could build in general. I thought about playing Below Zero, but I haven’t heard as great of things compared to this one, and I’m also not sure if I could stand another 60ish hours of swimming around lol. I did end up getting it on Steam anyway during the Summer Sale, so at the very least it’s on the To Play List.

Had the urge to play Resident Evil 3 REmake again, so I did. I forgot it was so short, especially for a Resident Evil game.

For my next non Diablo game, I think I want to revisit The Darkness series. I’ve only played each game once, but I had a fun time with both, so I might see what achievements there are and do some hunting.


The only times I’ve ever had a drama free workplace was:

  1. At the beginning of my career when I was an intern. They didn’t care enough about me to include me in the gossip, and I was only going to be there for a few months anyway.
  2. When my last job started letting us work from home, so I was no longer stuck at a desk in a high traffic area where multiple people would stop and chat. Headphones with a mic were a godsend, because when someone would start to approach, I’d just smile and point at the mic. Kept a lot of the gossipers at bay, though not all. WFH eliminated all that, I was so happy I could finally just focus on my work and not get caught up in situations that didn’t even pertain to me.

Still swimming around in Subnautica. It’s been fun trying to figure out my next step. Just mulling over stuff and gathering resources until I’m like “Oh! What did this one log from earlier say? Ok, I gotta check out this place over here.” Though I won’t lie, I did end up going and finding a map online, because I was getting lost so easily, especially while underwater.
I can feel that I’m nearing the end of the storyline, it’s just a matter now of getting there. Without being spoilery, I’ve put off making one particular piece of equipment, and now it looks like I’m going to need it. So, my current state is farming for resources and crafting. I’m hoping I finish this game in the next two or three days, because while this is fun, I’m itching to play something else.


Yeah, I haven’t been a fan of it so far. Some of the visuals and shots are nice, but there hasn’t been one character so far that I’ve liked, and it tends to drone on in a boring way.


Watching anime with a friend. He’s been trying to get me into Evangelion.


The main practical use I’ve found for me is writing a personalized cover letters when applying for jobs. Just plug in the job description, edit as needed, and off it goes. The way I see it, if HR can use it for their purposes, so can I.


I have only four more objectives to finish the season journey in Diablo 4: Season 4. Right now I’m balancing between running through nightmare dungeons to level up my glyphs and taking on Helltides.

I finished the main story line for Mad Max and only have to clean up the rest of the map. But I won’t do that now, will probably just pop in every few days to do stuff.

Still Wakes The Deep came out recently, and I didn’t know much about it other than it takes place on an ocean oil rig near Scotland and is Lovecraftian in nature. I was really looking forward to it, because usually Lovecraftian games center around a detective MC, so this taking place on an oil rig seemed like a refreshing concept, but I ended up extremely disappointed. It started off like Amnesia meets The Thing meets Alien Isolation, but unlike Amnesia, there’s not any puzzles. And unlike Alien Isolation, there’s not any combat or action. Just go here, pull lever, sneak there, have a little chase, flail through awful QTEs (and jesus, there were a lot of them). It made for a very boring ride with bland and shallow story where nothing is explained. The accents were fun though.

I picked up Subnautica again. I’m determined to actually finish it this time. I think my issue in my previous attempts was spending too much time working on building a massive base, so my plan is to just build necessities this round. I think it’s working so far? Right now all I have is a moonpool with some storage, a fabricator, and a med station. I’m not sure how long to “story” is, but I feel like I’m making good progress.
