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I was getting ready to leave my girlfriend’s apartment. We had gone out for a walk and ended up having dinner. It wasn’t a formal date or anything, we had been together, officially, for nearly 6 months by that point.

We hugged and just kept hugging. Not petting or getting frisky, just holding each other and enjoying each other’s company for the final few moments of the evening.

It just came out, I said “I love you.”

She tensed and was silent for what felt forever. Long enough to start thinking I just either ended our relationship, or caused serious damage.

Just when I was about to disengage from her, she relaxed looked up and gave me a very very nice kiss and said; “I love you too.”

At the time I lived nearly 20 miles away from her and I do not remember the drive at all.

That was 21 years ago. We have two teenage boys now and happier now than we were back then.

In case someone wonders why I didn’t stay with her that night, it was a weeknight. We both had work the next day and she had an earlier morning than usual. The following weekend we spent the whole time together.


The interesting thing is the engine is running just fine. I changed the plugs about 60k ago and put in Iridium plugs, or whatever…They were the OEM recommended. All filters have been changed on the dot according to the manual and I’ve always used OEM or better.

The car sits in the same spot in a garage and it has never leaked anything. So the oil is definitely being burnt.

I haven’t paid attention to the coolant level other than making sure the level in the overflow is good. I had a car that blew a head gasket before, so I know the symptoms for that and I don’t see any of them with this engine. That car was an 85 Pontiac Sunbird. I haven’t owned a GM product since, because of it.

The plugs actually look OK when I pulled them out. Coils are the originals.

The main thing is I’m trying to make an intelligent decision between dropping a bunch of money on this car for new PCV, shocks/struts and a few other things and getting another 60k to 80k out of it. Or dropping a whole lot more on another car.

Thank you for taking the time, I appreciate it .


It’s burning a quart about every 1500 to 2000 miles. Otherwise it runs fine.


Unfortunately, the endoscope I used does not take screenshots. So that was taken by my 15 year old with a mobile phone of the endoscope screen.

The car is a 2014 Camry LE made after the rule changes, so it has the electronics of the 2015 model year. I bought it with 7k on the odometer.

Oil changes were done by a Dealership until about 120,000 miles, when I switched over to a locally owned place that specializes in Toyotas. The dealership’s own mechanics, two of them plus a CS person, all said not to do oil changes any shorter than what is in the manual. I tended to do them between 8 and 9K thinking the pure synthetic oil would be OK. I’ve not used synthetics in any of my previous automobiles and religiously did changes at 5k.

There is definitely vertical scoring and that area of the cylinder wall is shiny.

All 4 cylinders show the exact same pattern, although 4 is a little worse.

I’ve a few minor issues with this car, not mechanically related. I’ve replaced all 4 door locks once and one a second time. It’s eating headlights now for some reason. The original headlights lasted for 130,000 miles and all the replacements die after about 5k of driving. I’ve used high end Sylvania and Philips. When replacing them I make sure I’m wearing nitrile gloves, on top of being sure nothing touches the glass, to make sure no oil gets on them. I may go with a lower line bulb thinking that the high end versions run too hot for the projector enclosure. I’ve also gone through every ground I can find on the car and cleaned it and made sure it’s tight. Checking with a multimeter, the bulbs are getting proper voltage.

My wife had a 2003 Camry for 17 years and it is probably still on the road, she traded it 6 years ago. I bought this 2014 Camry hoping to drive it past 200k, but it will not be seeing that kind of mileage. Overall, my car has never felt as well built as my wife’s 2003.


54m here who is neurodivergent.

Yes, I can have a conversation with a stranger, but that was not always the case. It took years of practice to get to the point where I could be in a group or one on one and actually contribute.

The issue is, it takes SO much out of me. Where the people I’m interacting with have nice processing centers in their brains doing the bulk of the work for them in carrying the conversation. The processing centers that deal with social interaction are inactive in my brain and I have to actually think about everything going on. Which is a lot of energy to spend on conversations that really have no actual merit, other than just being social.

Think of it this way, do you remember how much energy you had to expend thinking on the last difficult test you took at school? That’s how I feel after social interactions. Because I have to do virtually the same amount of thinking in that setting, that most people use on a Physics exam.

Even with my wife and kids, I have to take breaks from them. While the years have given me habits and known behaviors that I don’t have to think about with them and keep our relationships healthy. I still have to do a lot of active processing to interact with them.

It sucks, but it is the way I am and always will be.



I’ve lived in Wisconsin since 2006 and did not know that.

Thank you!


Wisconsinite here where the badger is native and the mascot for the University of Wisconsin is the Badger.

This meme is inaccurate.

The American Badger will also remove your kidneys and sell them on the black market as well, to support their meth habit.


As a parent myself, might I suggest using that as her middle name.

When we named our two boys, we chose classic yet timeless names for their first, but did have some fun with their middle names. (and NO, they are not named “Ben” and “Will”. My god, I actually know 6 families that have two boys with those names). That way, we got to name them something fun, but they had good classical first names they could go by through out their lives. Our boys were born during the height of what I call the “din” period. Where a lot of babies have names that ended with some derivation of “din”, “dyn”, “den” or something along those lines.

There is a very good reason why there is an entire subreddit on that other site called “/r/tragideigh”.


To me, this is one of the most fully realized female characters in science fiction (at least):


That’s awesome.
