

1 posts • 6 comments

Just a chill guy, enjoy working in electrical, electronics, and programming.

Also enjoys listening to music, watching movies on Netflix and talking sci-fi and solar punk fantasy lol

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Meh I had a dual boot machine ages ago. Still here collecting dust. Basically I only switched to use the Linux for down time, movies, and study, most day to day tasks from engineering software to anything I considered important enough that you do not want the results hacked or broken I would use Windows.

I think of modern machines kind of like a hammer. These days almost nobody actually remembers the guy who made the first hammer, or who discovered fire, but there’s a price tag for the bow, the paper and the hammer, not so much the making of the hammer, because the actual skill involved or required to learn about it has become challenged if not cheapened to the degree that there are now multiple paths to obtain or create a hammer, yet the benchmark quality of the hammer as well as the process for creation itself as a whole is now more of an authority than the actual original statue or monolith of “hammer man” himself.

This is why I think the many flavours of Ubuntu including the many esoteric Linux distros are still interesting but still lack the diversity of use and specialization. The fact that whole blockchains are built for XYZ while sitting around pumped then dumped to trading at cents with no use goes to show how cloud computing systems and lower level computing is still very disconnected and becoming further thrown aside to uphold ponzi schemes.

I’ll give you an example, more money is wasted on onlyfans per year than for people trying to use system XYZ for solving problem A, or curing cancer. Consider that to be one of the “good” reasons many men and women are so misogynistic, even without looking down on sex workers.


Meh Israelis committing familicide is most probably God’s curse upon those who choose to punish others by playing God.


Someone once told me, be careful of your thoughts for your thoughts may affect your words, be careful of your words because your words may come to become your actions, be careful of your actions for your actions may reflect on your character.

If you ask me, owning a firearm and making violent threats don’t necessarily mean actions, but I agree that there’s a definitive correlation. I guess that I still believe that the action itself is the most honest and serious commitment to something a person can express.


I believe that if God gives power to certain individuals, so too can he take it away. Many systems, positions and meanings in society such as caste, authority and regulation are temporary or exist based on a certain set of justifications with a certain set of rules and boundaries. Humanity would be best to learn or perhaps be reminded that there are certain responsibilities that come with leadership, one of those is to lead by example rather than to justify their leadership by an imaginary authority alone.

For example, if we imagine a God as a being of supernatural capabilities, awareness and intelligence, well beyond our understanding, who allows us to live our lives with a certain degree of freedom, would it not be unreasonable to believe that all our current circumstances, everything from our freedom, the truth of certain issues, down to the very matter of this universe itself as it stands is a gift?

Just my two cents


Hey still early days bro, but great post, very insightful…


Actually now that you’ve brought up the idea, how would advertiser’s even know that they’re hitting real people when they’re looking to pay money for exposure?
