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Sometimes I make video games


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I’m here to plug for Godot, it’s the best engine I’ve used to date.

Unity can suck a lemon. The squeeze has already begun, and if they’re walking back the runtime fee then they must have plans on something else.


When I was growing up you’d hear stories about how the local Chinese immigrants would eat neighborhood cats when they caught them.

But our “Chinese” neighbours were actually Portuguese, and vegetarian.

Racists are going to be racist, regardless of reality


Imagine if there was a train to the hospital that also did triage.

So you get on the hospital line and a nurse determines if you need urgent care. They could take you to a less crowded hospital further down the line or dispatch paramedics to next stop.


If seeing how the sausage gets made upsets you, then maybe the answer is to petition the government to make less sausage.

Or if you wanted to stick your head in the sand you could block the communities that share that content.

Asking for censorship seems to be coming at this from the wrong angle.


Yesterday my domineering relative cancelled the plans that I didn’t want to do but was going along with to be polite.

I should buy a lottery ticket.


When I feel like nothing’s going my way I try to cheat my brain to get a win.

I pick a low stakes task that I need to do but can’t possibly fail. Folding laundry, putting away the dishes, cleaning my inbox, whatever. Let’s say it’s folding the laundry because I hate folding the laundry and it is my Sisyphean struggle to never finish folding all the laundry.

I try to make a game out of it. Whistle each time I match a pair of socks, do a little fist bump when I hang up a dress. Something that feels fun and celebrates the fact that there’s a little bit less laundry to do with each item folded.

Then, when I’m all finished (or I just can’t take any more laundry), I take a moment to reflect on all the laundry I have dealt with. The whole is made up of lots of individual pieces, and each one is one less thing I have to deal with. I allow myself to feel good about what I have accomplished - especially on days that I didn’t finish everything.

We can’t always control it when life throws us a curve ball. But sometimes we’ve got to make our own wins. And if we don’t celebrate the wins we have, well then nothing is going right.


Well of course the doctor thought the spleen was abnormal if they mistook a liver for it


I was fortunate to not only have a typing class in school, but also the only computer game my grandma had was Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Now I type for a living, so hey, I guess it must have paid off.

If you’re already a hunt and peck typer, your brain wants to look at the keyboard to confirm where the key is before you press it. When learning touch typing, you’ll want to shift your focus from the keyboard to the screen.

There are formal methodologies for learning where the keys are in relation to your fingers, but imo the most important thing is to not look at the keyboard. No matter what you end up typing, it’s pretty easy to find backspace and try again. Your eyes verify on the screen if your fingers are giving the correct output, and your fingers find their way eventually.

Many students did benefit from having their hands visually obscured from them when typing. If you find you keep looking at the keyboard then you might want to look into that.


My great grandmother grew up rough during the depression and lived near enough you could fish for lobster.

Her family would bury the lobster shells instead of putting them in the trash because they were ashamed the trash collectors might see they were eating sea bugs.

She still definitely enjoyed lobster. When it was in season it was tradition to have a family reunion for lobster dinner, and she boiled a mean sea bug. But she never could fathom even going to a restaurant to order a lobster - and that some people thought it was fancy would make her head explode


Just because a killer confesses to killing someone, doesn’t necessarily mean they did the deed.

If a serial killer is into notoriety and self promotion they might be willing to confess to anything. The police might want to shut a bunch of cold cases and the killer will happily admit to them, whether or not they were involved.

This famously happened in the case of Henry Lee Lucas
