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Clearly true. It’s blatantly apparent in the Legislative branch too. When a Republican is accused or charged with a crime (Gym Jordan, Matt Gaetz, George Santos) They just keep chugging along clinging to their power. When a Democrat is accused or charged with a crime, everyone gets together and calls for them to step down. Look at Al Franklen, for example, and now Bob Menendez.

At this point, I’m hoping Menendez doesn’t step down. I’m tired of Democrats taking the high road and policing itself. We’re losing the nation because of it.


First, how can you restore sight to someone who never had in the first place? Second, anyone got a link to any details about these folks who were apparently born blind but had sight surgically granted to them?

Nevermind. I found this article that talks about this exact topic.


Oh look, a bunch of morons who don’t understand the Constitution even though SCOTUS just explained it to them.


There are multiple victims. First, as you say, there are the citizens of New York City and New York State. They have paid for the services that Trump’s empire there has utilized. His business could not exist without roads, utility lines, and all the other myriad services that taxes pay for. By not paying his fair share, the rest of the tax payers have had to subsidized his enterprise.

The other class of victim that rarely comes up is the banks themselves. Sure, the loans may have been repaid, well, except for that mysterious $48 million dollar loan that was forgiven. (By the way, how the hell do you get a bank to just up and forgive a $48 million dollar loan? Does that make any sense to anyone?) Anyway, my real point is that banks make profit from interest on loan repayment. The higher the risk of the loan, the higher the interest rate they charge. By falsifying the values of his properties, he was misleading the banks and getting more favorable interest rates than they would otherwise have given him. A bank that could have made a million dollars of interest on a given loan may only have made half a million because of his deception. I can’t really bring myself to feel sorry for a bank, but it does make them a victim of his crime.


While they would be delighted if that were to happen, in this case, it is poor people they want to breed no matter what color they are. They want all those impoverished babies born so they can:

  • Under-educate them
  • Force them into crappy jobs that will keep them poor while enriching their overlords
  • Convince them that the progressives who want to help them and improve their lives are really their enemies
  • Deceive them into voting for the very tyrants who are oppressing them

They don’t really care what color skin the meat they feed into their machine is wearing.


Yeah, why not. This season is getting kind of humdrum. Let’s throw some space aliens in.


The Lannisters used to have a Valyrian steel sword of their own named Brightroar. That sword was lost though.

It had always irked his father that none belonged to House Lannister. The old Kings of the Rock had owned such a weapon, but the greatsword Brightroar had been lost when the second King Tommen carried it back to Valyria on his fool’s quest. He had never returned; nor had Uncle Gery, the youngest and most reckless of his father’s brothers, who had gone seeking after the lost sword some eight years past.- ASOS - Tyrion IV

Tywin had been trying to get a replacement for many years with no luck.

Thrice at least Lord Tywin had offered to buy Valyrian longswords from impoverished lesser houses, but his advances had always been firmly rebuffed. The little lordlings would gladly part with their daughters should a Lannister come asking, but they cherished their old family swords. - ASOS - Tyrion IV

Acquiring Ice must have thrilled Tywin. Not just a sword to replace Brightroar, it was a two handed sword. It was large enough that, when melted down, it could supply enough Valyrian steel to make two swords. Now the Lannisters who had been without such a sword for so long would own *two *of them. Politically, Tywin likely considered the possesion of two Valyrian blades to be boon for his house. What other house has two such blades?

Morally… well, Tywin doesn’t really care about morals. He cares about appearance, and the appearance of power above all else. This is a man who publicly despised Tyrion’s whoring, but actually had a tunnel dug to a brothel so he could visit without being seen. This is also a man who killed every man woman, and child of house Reynes because they wouldn’t pay their debts to house Lannister and had the gall to rebel.


There are plenty, including myself, that feel the Electoral College is indeed the problem. Proportional allocation would be a step in the right direction, true, but it doesn’t address the larger issue that the number of electoral votes a state gets is not equally proportional to its population. This is a big problem.

In 2016, Wyoming cast 255,849 popular votes and California cast 14,181,595. Wyoming has three electoral votes and California has fifty-five votes, meaning Wyoming cast one electoral vote for every 85,283 voters while California cast one electoral vote for every 257,847 voters. In other words, a voter in Wyoming is over three times more influential than a voter in California. It’s worth noting that this statistic considers actual votes cast in 2016, rather than all registered voters. Many voters in large states such as California are dissuaded from voting, as the Electoral College dilutes their votes.

By the way, not all states are winner take all. Maine and Nebraska use systems of allocation that can split their electoral votes between candidates.

Edit to add: Here is the real solution to the Electoral College issue. The Interstate National Vote Compact Agreement. Once enough states have passed this law to add up to 270 Electoral votes, then all of those states will allocate all their votes to the winner of the national popular vote.

Under the National Popular Vote law, no voter will have their vote cancelled out at the state-level because their choice differed from majority sentiment in their state. Instead, every voter’s vote will be added directly into the national count for the candidate of their choice. This will ensure that every voter, in every state, will be politically relevant in every presidential election—regardless of where they live.

The National Popular Vote law is a constitutionally conservative, state-based approach that retains the power of the states to control how the President is elected and retains the Electoral College. National Popular Vote has been enacted by 16 states and the District of Columbia, including 4 small states (DE, HI, RI, VT), 9 medium-sized states (CO, CT, MD, MA, MN, NJ, NM, OR, WA), and 3 big states (CA, IL, NY). These jurisdictions have 205 of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate the law.

The bill has also passed one legislative chamber in 8 states with 78 electoral votes (AR, AZ, ME, MI, NC, NV, OK, VA), including the Republican-controlled Arizona House and Oklahoma Senate. It has passed both houses of Maine and Nevada at various times, and is endorsed by 3,705 state legislators.


No matter who wins, the majority of Americans will be unhappy.

This isn’t democracy

That is exactly democracy. There will always be some significant fraction of voters who will be dissatisfied with the results. I would be more worried if the winning candidate had overwhelming support. Look at how much Reagan won by and how badly he fucked everything up. As long as voters are tussling over varied issues and considering their voting options then democracy is working.

And I’m still convinced the DNC is in some kind of Brewster’s Millions scenario where they’re trying as hard as possible to lose the election.

It’s the only way any of Biden’s actions make sense.

Nonsense. The Democratic party has never had to put any particular effort into snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, they just do it.
