And insurances provide monetary compensation until you become a common liability, too high to be covered by any sort of fee. DDOS protection is just the same. It’s only feasible if it happens rarely, like they usually happen. However if it’s a common occurrence it will just eat up the profits made by the fees and then some, which just is stupid to do in any case.
He actually considered abandoning the projects multiple times, mainly by hoping for a sign of God. However considering that none of his customers ever questioned the behemoth of a vehicle under a tarp and nobody told authorities about his strange behaviour, he saw it as God giving him the OK, as in his eyes, God would’ve acted upon his risky maneuvers to get caught.
Dude really tried his best to convince himself to stop, yet Lady Luck seemed to have wanted otherwise.
It’s also a miracle that he didn’t hurt a single soul, other than himself.
Or at least be sort of a monthly tax, in order to fund it. Generally however, I agree, especially since those who get caught not paying for those tickets after often those who can’t afford it, thus ending in a spiral that ultimately puts them in jail, thus costing the taxpayer more money. At least this is the case in Germany.
Alternatively you can also use aluminium. Snails have a natural allergy to aluminium due to a reaction happening between the metal and their slime. Therefore they will avoid aluminium at all cost.