Breaking news: children are more gullible than adults.
Nanometers have actually been a marker of generation for quite a while. 3nm is actually 24.
Smaller communities aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Compared to reddit I rarely feel like I’m commenting into the void.
Just introducing them to it is probably enough. Show them different desktop environments and applications to get them used to the idea of diverse interfaces and workflows. Just knowing that alternatives exist could help them break out of the Windows monoculture later. Enable all of the cool window effects.
Apathy gets nothing done
The fact that you can’t buy the cable needed to unbrick a Chromebook, and have to solder it together yourself from Google’s schematics is ridiculous.
This is why you should always selfhost your AI girlfriend.
Your best bet would probably be to get a used office PC to put the card in. You’ll likely have to replace the power supply and maybe swap the storage but with how much proper external enclosures go for the price might not be too different. Some frameworks don’t support direct GPU loading so make sure that you have more ram than vram.
An arm soc won’t work in most cases due to a lack of bandwidth and software support. The only board I know of that can do it is the rpi5 and that’s still mostly a poc.
In general I wouldn’t recomend a titan x unless you already have one because it’s been deprecated in cuda, so getting modern libraries to work will be a pain.
Could have made loss instead