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5 posts • 39 comments

Linux server admin, MySQL/TSQL database admin, Python programmer, Linux gaming enthusiast and a forever GM.

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That’s impossible. Everyone knows that Danes can’t communicate.


They can have a little bit of sea, as a treat(y).

Omfg, this line killed me xD


Different people have different priorities. I live in eastern EU. The idea of the US dropping all support for Ukraine is pretty damn scary to me. I obviously can’t vote in the US election, but I will happily support Biden from across the pond due to that one issue.

To a Palestinian? Yeah, I understand they don’t really care about anything outside the direct issues affecting their people so they’d be anti-Biden.


people in the UK want lower food prices, but don’t want to be part of the EU common market

Yup, it’s pretty dumb. But the way the majority feels is that they’ve had these arguments about Brexit for some many years they’re basically done at this point.

And they want more doctors and dentists, but less immigration.

Interestingly, even Reform, the most pro-brexit anti-immigration send everyone to Rwanda party still wants exceptions for doctors, dentists and nurses to allow them to come into the country at will. They are very much considered the exception for immigration.


He’s right. There just isn’t the political will in the population to reopen the topic of Brexit now. Whether anyone likes it or not, the things British people really care about right now, in no particular order, are:

  • Inflation

  • House & utility & food prices

  • Immigration

  • NHS waiting lists & more dentists

  • Train infrastructure.

People can make very legitimate arguments linking Brexit to those issues, but it’s not politically viable to open that can of worms again. They just really want their lives to improve for the first time in over a decade.


There’s also the fact that a hypothetical end to US aid wouldn’t end EU aid. It’s definitely not on the same scale as the US due to our much smaller military sector, but that’d likely change in the event of a US shut-down of aid.

In my mind, the most likely results would be:

Short-term: Very dangerous period for Ukraine, they lose some ground, lots of men (similar to the last time they had a crippling artillery shell shortage).

Medium-term: EU military sector slowly ramps up to meet demand, as about 3/4 of central & eastern EU considers this an existential war that cannot be lost at any cost.

Long-term: After the war is over (however many more years that takes), Russia finally negotiates some kind of ceasefire where they can save some face internally and brag about how they “Denazified” Ukraine while going home and accomplishing nothing, EU is much more self-sufficient and therefore buys less from the US, and they aren’t seen as a trust-worthy ally militarily anymore. Even if on paper most EU members are still in NATO, they consider the security guarantees of the EU as much more important and serious.


It’s not a civil war and I don’t think it’ll become one. The modern US isn’t geographically separated enough to have any sort of cohesive movement locally. There’s no north vs south playing out, for example.

Instead, what you have is a slow-rolling coup and social instability.


As far as I understand the decision (IANAL!), the definition of what constitutes an “Official Act” is left intentionally undefined, so in effect you can only claim this ultimate power if the courts like you in order to declare what you’re doing official.

This means, if I understand it correctly, king powers for Trump and nothing for Biden. They’d just rule everything Biden is doing as not an official act.


Btw, After staring at it for a while I can kinda switch between red and white at will. Anyone else?

No, that doesn’t seem to work for me, but after messing with zooming in, I can absolutely see it’s white if I’m all the way zoomed in on the black and white pixels in the can, and then as I slowly zoom out, there’s a specific moment when there’s enough of the surrounding blue that the can suddenly turns red.

The can remains black and white in my perception as long as I’m sufficiently zoomed in on it without the background. It’s a pretty neat effect.


The 2 Knives out movies are really amazing. It’s clear that he understands and adores the murder mystery genre, and plays around with it in these two movies.

There’s so many subtle things to pay attention to, hints that seem weird or jarring but make absolutely perfect sense in retrospect. The classic big reveal where the detective explains what’s really been going on the whole movie is amazing in both. By the time that reveal happens, if you’ve really been paying attention, you can have the answers to who, how and why already solved and feel proud of yourself (or be like me and only have who and why, but not the how).

Sorry for gushing, but both the Knives Out movies are absolutely must-watch movies if you have even a passing interest in murder mystery fiction.
