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I mean at that point you can just make a sandwich or eat cereal. Still way better than 2 hour old overpriced toilet water.


I don’t really care about any of that. All that matters is that I’m constantly having to fight to keep wfh, it’s impossible to get health issues diagnosed and I just keep wasting hundreds of dollars on trying, I’ve resigned myself to staying untreated for adhd and whatever else, I am sick of having to work a job where I need to interact with people, and all the foods I enjoy the most make me incredibly sick and I’m sure are gonna kill me one day. If I had a choice I wouldn’t have been born. I am very lucky, I have no money problems, didn’t have to buy my house, have a good long term stable relationship, not having to deal with having had kids, quiet neighborhood with no crime… but things should be a lot better than this. People can shove their head in the sand and pretend things are not going to end very badly for humankind and I personally don’t care. I live my life and enjoy what I like and either I’ll be dead or will witness the glorious end of humanity. I just hope my AC keeps up with climate change lol!


They’re trying their darndest to drag the left into the mud. They’re pushing the same rhetoric as trumpers trying to brainwash young people Jordan Peterson style. The Russian government has a vested interest in destabilizing the US and trying to push people to violence and ‘revolt’ because that would take down the only threat to them. At least most of us aren’t so stupid to believe these people are in any way representing the left, the LGBT or minorities. I was looking for an LGBT friendly community and was so saddened to find out what it really was… trying to radicalize vulnerable groups. Shame on them. Fucking shame.
