She is a cartoon character because that’s how you have taught her to be. Constant performance for the camera, and affection and love (positive reinforcement) granted when she performs well or compliments you. It’s sickening to watch this poor content baby get so exploited. And no one in her life is standing up for her or fighting to protect her from her own disgusting mother. I hope she sues the crap out of TBP when she’s older, and hopefully has someone looking out for her.
She’s more than 7000 kms away from her child, and yet she’s still exploiting her for content. This woman makes me sick. Imagine torturing that child with FaceTime calls with her faveourire characters, so she can show us all what a wonderful mother she is. Disgusting! 🤮
She woke her kid up when she got home late at night to make content and post so she can show her followers she’s a good mom that loves the kid she barely parents. I’m so convinced she’s a great mom!
Imagine being so completely vapid and oblivious that you think that two people [who you have an obsessive parasocial relationship with because you shirk your responsibilities and are “chronically online”] who you perceive to have chemistry might potentially date is a significant moment in history. The world is on fire, and THIS is significant to you.