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I’ve lived in a couple of cities in Europe and I can tell you my nose was runny and my throat a bit rough far more often in a poluted place like London (UK) than it is in the small city I live in now in Portugal or the places I lived in when in The Netherlands.

(In fact moving to a small city in Portugal from London hugelly improved of my health when it comes to that kind of thing)

I suspect that the tendency to catch colds and suffer from alergies is often coupled with all the Sulfur Oxide gases around in cities with lots of car polution, since those turn into various sulfur oxiacids when those gases mix with water in the nose and airways.


Well, if I understood it correctly, my mother is very much like that (for example: it’s very hard to keep her on track to get to the end of a story without her getting lost of some lateral explanation about an explanation about a relativelly unimportant detail in the main story) and even I tended to work like that in the past (not so much nowadays), so your whole post for me was easy peasy to follow and a satisfying learning experience because it went into all sorts of interesting places :)

Judging by the upvotes from others, I would say I’m far from the only one.

It probably helps that here and in this post you’re basically talking about complex and interesting things to a pool of people with lots of above average intelligence, Education and/or curiosity ones.


Oh yeah, it’s still not at the same level of ease of use as Windows.

It’s massivelly better if compared to the old days in Linux and, curiously, it’s easier for those who in Windows were never “sophisticated” user that did not relly on store frontends to manage the installation for them, but if you’re the kind of user of Windows that does actually know what folders and executable files are, it’s more complex to get going than in Linux.

Curiously in my experience even Linux native games are way more complex to get working in Linux that the Windows equivalent are in Windows (or even Linux: I have at least one game were the Windows version installs almost flawlessly in Linux whilst the Linux version is a “missing library” nightmare), unless they’re recent enough that they come in something like Snap or Flatpack)


In my experience with standalone EXE installers and Lutris, the problem is often that Lutris just guesses wrong the name of the game executable after installation is done or can’t even guess it.

Personally, every single time I had a problem of installing a game with Lutris from an EXE installer and when starting it afterwards the game goes to “Running” (see the left top list) and then quickly ends with no error, it’s Lutris having guessed the game launch EXE incorrectly.

Having started with using Lutris’ GoG integration first (were an install script generally takes care of all that) and only later moved to standalone EXE installers, I can see how one would lose hope on the whole thing if they started with the installers since so far for me almost all of such installations failed to give me something that just runs without tweaks afterwards, and for almost all of them the problem was Lutris picking up the wrong launch EXE or even having no launch EXE at all (which gives you a small and easy to miss warning in the Lutris install log at the end of installation).

If you still can, go and check in the game configuration in Lutris for one of those games (it will be in a tab with only a handful of option, not in the last tab with a ton of obscure options) if the launch EXE is present and correct.


I was lucky that when I moved to Linux some months ago I got used to install my games from Lutris and Steam, which seems to solve most problems and only maybe 1 game of the 15 or so I tried so far wouldn’twork no matter what.

That said, I and to figure out how to do diagnostics and use Winetricks and my little doc of Tips & Trick cover 5 games (out of about 15) so those are the ones that would work only after tweaking.

I still have weird situations like The Sims 3 from Steam not working but the pirate version I tried working flawlessly on first try (so now I know how to install pirated games with Lutris) which is maybe not the kind of thing the publishers would want people to know, but more often than not things just work.

All this to say that it’s way better now than before if you use the kind of tools that wrap Wine (or in the case of Steam, Proton which is a derivative of Wine) with install scripts that will do the necessary game-speciric tweaks for you, but even then you’ll need to learn how to diagnose problems and do the tweaks yourself if you want a higher that 60% or so rate of success or if you want to hoist the Skull & Bones and sail the high seas from your Linux Galleon.



I’ve been using Windows 7 for years well after end of support and my computer never got hacked!

Oh yes it did


… whomever keeps misportraying a person casting a single vote amongst 200 million as them individually making the final decision.


There are over 200 million voters.

A thought experiment about an individual choice is not even close to applicable to the choice facing a single voter since in that thought experiment not-choosing is the same as making the default choice whilst in a vote not-chosing is leaving the choice to all other voters.

The use of this though experiment as a metaphor for the choice facing individual American voters is downright deceitful and propagandistic, self-servingly so since it’s being used to try and boost the chances of one side.


The liberals claiming to be different from the far-right muppets whilst engaging in the same kind of simpleton take on politics would be hilarious if the results of them having been propaganda muppets for decades weren’t so bad for everybody (by moving the center of American politics so far to the Right that it now sits on what is considered Far Right in World political terms).

The only upside of this shit is that by now pretty much nobody outside the US looks to it for references on Politics - even the Far-Right in Europe stays away from lots of American quirks like hyper-religiosity.


For this to be correct the"moral high" track should go to before the junction since it’s literally a choice of leaving the decision to others.

In this specific case were what’s portrayed is the lever in the hands of each individual person amongst over 200 millions voters (rather than, say, the choice in the hands of people like Biden, who pretty much has an individual Genocide/No-Genocide choice), it’s not Logical to portray the choice of sticking with one’s moral principles as a choice for either side since there are still millions of other people needed for the choice to be made - in fact it’s downright deceitful and self-serving propaganda to misportray what’s literally a “I refrain from chosing hence leave the choice to the rest” as a being the same as a choice for one of the options.

The whole use of this format were an individual is represented as being alone in making a choice when the actual situation is “one vote amongst hundreds of millions” is downright deceitful and self-serving propaganda.
