And she only has the big kids 50% of the time🙈🙈🙈🙈 and like you said Lemon is never home. What is she needing a break from!!! And yes it does feel like shit. I had a an actually professional mother who chose her career over family, took luxury vacations without us and spent the rest of her time with her husband. We were constantly shuttled between my grandparents, our father and school with brief stops at “home”. Where we longed to be but ended up feeling empty, shallow and needing when we were there ☹️ it was sad. We all wanted our mother’s attention very very deeply but it was hard to figure that out in real time when you don’t know any different. I’m in my late 40’s and I am still not quite right🙃 totally weird relationships with my “mother”.
I agree Briony looks really nice. Butttt I am not sure what the assignment was but her Polly Pocket is not great. I’m not sure if she doesn’t plan for enough time or what happens, but her “work” for these types of gigs always seem a bit rushed and not properly finished. Are all the little gaps and unfinished seams, surface chunks, brush marked paint, etc part of the aesthetic? Like shoddy craftsmanship was on purpose? Signed, a craftsperson
She has definitely gone rouge since SI and the Reddit shutdown. Now that 6,000 people are no longer holding her accountable and campaigning against her she is not even trying to hide the filtering. A Reddit repost of her posts would garner more actual comments than her original posts. We are few in numbers over here trying to keep the truth alive 😂 I do not even know if those lips are “swelling” from travel, aka injections or a filter. Yikes. What is she thinking. Who would pick that filter!!!