I have seen content from other “creators” on this same cruise that is very well produced in a matter of hours. Many of them have very young children so I am assuming they pay someone to produce their content like one would expect from people who actually recognize their responsibility to the brand to put some effort in. Bird brain puts in just enough effort to say she was there, ie posting the bottom of a cup. Can the effort go any lower? The bar is two inches below ground at this point. While I think the influencer thing is an absolute racket, and anything Disney is an absolute nightmare to me personally, I can give credit “a like” to someone who takes their job seriously and understands the assignment.
I’m in SoCal as blue as it gets and I absolutely do not feel safe. I am so afraid of loosing the ACA (which is not actually affordable) but the pre existing conditions issue would be prohibitive for me going forward. Terrified the reproductive rights problems could come for us. What if I needed to relocate due to high cost of living, I am nearly 50 and could not imagine being forced into a full term pregnancy. I have adult children!!! Option B being permanent sterilization, I don’t want to be forced into mutilating my body to prevent a pregnancy. I am officially into my doomsday phase of grief for today! 😣
Plus when she does these “charity”(grift,cough) engagements she rarely says why is she there supporting XYZ in the hopes of LMNOP. And would invite the community to help support XYZ by doing ABC. It’s usually somehow just about her being invited somewhere for undisclosed reasons wearing something hideous and inappropriate.
I am an ambiguous bi-racial POC to strangers and when I travel internationally people often assume I am whatever they are. When I was in Brazil a native Brazilian spoke to me as if I understood Portuguese. I responded in my rudimentary SoCal Spanish that I did not understand. It was so subconscious and embarrassing. Years later I now have the language to recognize this for the micro aggression that it was. I consider myself to have cultural consciousness and I totally stumbled. I cannot even imagine if she were to wander outside of her pod out of the insulted hospitality sector where English is spoken😬Out in the wild on the streets she would look like the biggest mark for the taking oozing awkward visible discomfort. All while giving her “don’t they know who I am vibe”. Hot mess express coming through 🚂 São Paulo can be an overwhelming city to the worldliest traveler to say the least. She is not even a traveler she is a vacationer.
I had similar rage when she got those amazingly close seats for Beyoncé and was like eh, it was cool, I guess. I paid a lot a lot in LA and was VERY NOT close. Even if you are not a true Beyoncé fan that show was a captivating work of art. That experience was wasted on her!