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I think Harris is trying to capture a group of Americans that hardlines on immigration, unfortunately some of what she’ll concede on during this election cycle will likely alienate progressives in favor of tempting the opposition. It’s strategically valuable because progressives will still vote for her, but maybe a few conservative voters will be swayed.

Imo it’s more important to pay attention to how she’s voted, how she acts, and whether she will change her mind when presented with important information. In that way she’s by far our most trustworthy candidate even on issues like this one.


No, I live here.

I hate

  • religious zealotry
  • massive dichotomy in polotical ideologies
  • identity politics
  • warmongering
  • brainwashing (pledge of allegiance?!)
  • poor treatment of poor and homeless
  • prison complex
  • poor education system
  • incredibly expensive healthcare
  • terrible zoning laws and car centricity
  • hiroshima, native genocide, iraq, and so many more. The US has shed so much blood and terror inflicted on the world population
  • world police, vigilante, the US is basically every bad movie villian in country form
  • regressing views on women’s rights
  • the history of slavery

Nice to have a fulltime friend

It tends to change what you’re free to do every day


There is a ton of literature out there, but in a few words:

Rust is built from the ground up with the intention of being safe, and fast. There are a bunch of things you can do when programming that are technically fine but often cause errors. Rust builds on decades of understanding of best practices and forces the developer to follow them. It can be frustrating at first but being forced to use best practices is actually a huge boon to the whole community.

C is a language that lets the developer do whatever the heck they want as long as it’s technically possible. “Dereferencing pointer 0?” No problem boss. C is fast but there are many many pitfalls and mildly incorrect code can cause significant problems, buffer overflows for example can open your system to bad actors sending information packets to the program and cause your computer to do whatever the bad actor wants. You can technically write code with that problem in both c and rust, but rust has guardrails that keep you out of trouble.


Harris has me profoundly optimistic. She’s the most qualified candidate I’ll have had the chance to vote for in my lifetime.

Walz is fine, I was keen on Buttigieg but I’ll happily vote for Walz and let Buttigieg keep his important current position.

My biggest hope is that Kamala will draw out some of the less extreme right leaning women, nobody needs to know that they’re voting for the better candidate and God knows women need allies with the ongoing barrage.

This election cycle is not about fear for me, Harris is an easy candidate to vote for!

29 points

Looks like somebody hasn’t been doing their pondering exercises


Imo cults of personality prey on human nature in the worst ways.

When everyone you listen to and interact with sings praises about somebody or something, and villify anyone who disagrees, you are hard wired to fall in line. It’s literally human nature to sync up with those you listen to, it explains: cults, religions (not yours of course), identity politics, clubs, tribalism, nationalism, and most other isms.

Fundamentally people are categorization machines, putting people who disagree with themselves in a “them” category makes the person in question closer to the “us” group and more likely to radicalize.

Less fundamental/human nature related, trump has fostered the kinds of rhetoric his base likes. He himself may not be a christian anti-abortion redneck, but he has fostered an image that he is and it resonates with some people in a way that cool, collected, reasonable, well spoken politicians simply don’t. They trust him because he sounds dumb and crass.


3.5% chance to get long covid if vaccinated

Estimates for the first year of the pandemic suggests that at least 65 million people globally have had long COVID


That’s really the foundational problem. If you could exist without bugging or being bugged by the neighbors dense housing would be so much more appealing
