I’m traveling to the US mainland for the first time in my life in a few weeks.
I am not overly stressed about privacy, but I have read that US immigration can really overstep their boundaries. Are there any simple specific steps to take on my devices to protect my privace when going through US border control?
Remove my main accounts from my phone/tablet and use dummy accounts? Or just removing my biometrics?
While using a clean phone with nothing on it sounds like a good plan, it also looks very suspicious and can attract more attention. So take that into account when traveling regardless of the destination. Just like anonymization on your browser, the goal is to blend in, not stand out.
Honestly, it depends a lot on where you’re coming from and what you look like. And to be frank, it’s a little overblown to be paranoid enough to go that far, unless you are a high profile person of interest like a journalist or someone involved in politics. If you’re just an ordinary bloke going on vacation or attending a conference, you will be fine with basic precautions.
For people in this community, sure. Compared to the general population, not really. Imagine an international airport on a typical busy day. The number of people going through that aiport who are using burner phones is almost negligible.
The best advise I can give you is to not draw attention. I live in the US but when even I have traveled abroad and came back they have never asked to see a personal device.
Maybe bring a burner device just in case
If you are doing something illegal then you should definitely bring a new device. If you are not doing something illegal then you should just bring your normal device and keep it locked/off when entering.
They can force biometrics but not pin, but they will only do that if you’re already in super deep trouble for breaking the law. Just be normal and you’ll have no issues.
People keep saying that they can’t for e you to enter your pin, but they can enforce biometrics.
I’m pretty sure that immigration in the US can just confiscate your devices if you are not a citizen .
Yeah, everyone keeps saying stuff like the US respects the rights of foreigners. They don’t.
A foreigner who is in the US legally can own a business, run for political office, own land, have a professional job like doctor, teacher, lawyer.
I am a US citizen but live in a foreign country as a resident and I can’t do any of those things here even though I am here legally. Only citizens are allowed to do those things here.
So in that regard, I’d say the US respects foreigners right.
I’m pretty sure that immigration in the US can just confiscate your devices if you are not a citizen .
CBP can and does “detain” travelers’ devices at (or near) the border, without a warrant or any stated cause, even if they are US citizens.
Here is part of the notice they give people when they do:
Do not take your normal devices in case they are seized for random bullshit reasons. They can and will. They will often be returned to you destroyed and unusable.
Take a device you buy just for this trip. Maybe ditch the tablet instead of buying one for the trip. Do not set up biometrics on it. Do not connect it to your usual services.
Is it a gaurantee this kind of thing will happen? No.
Does this thing happen often enough to foreign travellers to make it worth leaving your main devices behind? Yes.
All that “freedom” is just for US citizens. They absolutely can and will fuck with any and all foreign people. Its stupid.
ITT: A lot of folks with way too much trust in the USA being “reasonable.” I’m sorry, but when the TSA interrogates people with autism because they act different you’re not convincing me they know what the fuck they’re doing or won’t harass random fucking people. This “act normal” shit is so stupid say to anyone who is neurodivergent, which is enough for USA security forces to choose to fuck with you.
This is all extremely unlikely unless you are a known enemy of the state or are bringing in illegal goods.
In customs they simply ask you why you’re visiting, where you came from, if you’re bringing any illegal goods, then let you pass through. If you’re flying in, there’s usually a huge line of people at the airport and you only end up talking to the customs agent for 10 to 30 seconds.
If you have a very suspicious story that doesn’t check out or you’re trying to bring in illegal goods to the country or you know that you are doing something nefarious then you should be concerned that they might pull you into a back room. I think all of these concerns are very overblown for the average person though.
When I was reading about whether to bring my phone to China, everyone online had similar recommendations about bringing a new device and it ended up being completely unnecessary. They don’t check anyone’s phone and they asked no questions other than reason for visiting. When I told my co-workers about my concerns they all thought it was quite comical because they’ve traveled more than anyone and see this as extreme paranoia.
Of course they could take your phone and put you in jail for any reason they want if they really wanted to, the most important thing is to not give them a reason to. They will only get your phone if you give them a reason in the first place.
Just keep your phone locked/off when you go through the border so it requires a pin.
Does this thing happen often enough to foreign travellers to make it worth leaving your main devices behind? Yes.
I think we have very different definitions of “often”
Doesn’t need to happen often, its a possibility for x number of people passing thru the borders any given day. They have the legal right to force your biometrics to unlock your device. Removing it ahead of time is prudent.
If you breeze thru no problems; no harm no foul, just add your thumb again.
I thought if the device was off, or just booted, or in lockdown mode, then biometrics could not be used without entering the password first?
I’ve never heard of or scene a device confiscated but it isn’t impossible. Generally they would need a reason. Maybe avoid making your device look like a bomb.
If they ask for a device’s password and you decline to give it to them, they will “detain” the device. See this comment for some links on the subject.