I cannot understand how some people are living with this. It is unbearable
My retired parents live with me. I went ahead and put a PiHole on our home wifi. A day later my mother was literally complaining that she couldn’t click on ads on facebook. I told her those are ads and they track her and she says “well everyone likes to use the internet how they like to use it… can you put it back the old way? I want to look at these shoes”. Can’t fucking win.
My wife turns off the WiFi on her phone to avoid the pihole. She does this so she can watch the ads in her games to get an extra life or whatever. You’ll never win on that front and I won’t either.
I get so pissed off when I try to play sudoku on the bus and it forces me to watch 30 seconds of ads between each game. And then during the game I have to ignore the flashing banner ad at the bottom of the screen.
Just pay for a good offline sudoku app. It probably costs less than a cup of coffee. Then we’ll all be happier.
As I recall, back in the late 90s there was a story in the Wall Street Journal about a man who loved receiving email spam. After a long day’s work he would go home and relax by looking through his email spam and order things.
Some people are just like that.
Tbh, I can relate to some degree. Sometimes I really love watching TV commercials. My favorite is teleshopping
I’m noticing some sites have become pretty unusable on mobile and I dunno what to do.
I miss the IT Crowd and I am sad a show like it will never exist again.
I have it on good authority, if you type Google into Google, you can break the internet.
Wait a minute, the “Elders of the Internet”!? The Elders of the Internet know who I am!? You’ve got to let me have it!