Wait until anon discovers a hamburger with a glazed donut for a bun and the entire thing is deepfried.
Wait till Americans discover deep-fried candy bars, the one area where the Europeans (well, Scots in particular) area ahead of Americans in deep-fried tech.
We’ve had that for nearly a century, it’s just state fair food because even Americans have standards.
Haha that’s cute! That’s where deep frying starts here. We even deep fry butter.
I think you think you are joking but that is a real beverage option for said burger. They even add a stick of butter for extra fat content.
It’s the gateway drug to insulin. Corn syrup infused fats, no vitamins or any other important stuff.
They didn’t give you a pack of cigarettes with your meal? How un-yurapeein!
Americans shop for calories per dollar.
Please don’t look at why they do that, we’re the best country ever!
Changing $12 for what is functionally agricultural waste product is so fucking funny.
Ground beef is what’s left on the cow after all the choice bits have been carved off. The bun is so thick with preservatives most organisms literally can’t eat it. The sauces are just colored corn syrup. The produce is bottom of the barrel.
This isn’t food, it’s industrial runoff. You’d eat better picking through the trash of a real grocery store.