9 points

And if you ever think for a moment that Eric Bischoff knew what he was doing don’t forget that when the fans turned the channel back to WCW, they were greeted with this horseshit:

5 points

Absolutely horrid day in wrestling history

4 points


6 points

To expand a bit on what Neon said:

Both men are 2/3rds of the founding members of the NWO. The NWO had split into 2 groups by this point, led by each other (Hogan heel, Nash face) and had been feuding for a while.

Then this match occurred. Nash the champ, Hogan challenging. Bell rings, Hogan pokes Nash in the chest lightly. Nash goes down like he was shot in the head. Hogan pins him for the quick 1-2-3 and they both get up, raucously laughing at the crowd as Hogan held up the title and it was revealed they were in cahoots all along, invalidating much of the NWO storyline up to this point (which by this point was WCW’s main fucking storyline as just about everyone of note was in the NWO lmao).

It was the beginning of the end for WCW and they never again got the high level of ratings they used to have, and the company was bought by WWF/WWE 2y later.

3 points

You just reminded me of my high school years with this breakdown. I got back into wrestling when the nwo thing was happening. I remember throwing up Wolfpack signs and the just too sweet nwo dapping thing.

This finger poke of doom was like a slap in the face to the fans. All that storyline build up. Main characters moving around, switching sides. Lugar, sting, macho man all going Wolfpack and then this. I think DDP was one of the few that didn’t join a ‘world order’ that was popping up everywhere.

4 points

It’s the infamous “finger poke of doom” (not yours, lol) in which Kevin Nash basically handed the WCW championship to Hogan.

5 points

i didn’t really watch attitude era raw but i believe i switched over for this (i mostly watched wcw until 98 ish? when i stopped watching all together since i was graduating high school and going to uni.

i do remember switching from nitro to raw during nitro commercial breaks and doing the volume alllll the way down because i’m in the family room and i’m embarassed by raw move though.




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