I want to see this guy explain that to the 10 year old.
Who the fuck said we had to choose either? We can live in a world with neither, and that world requires women’s rights, including the right to abortion.
The real kicker is: no amount of 10yo parents is going to prevent abortions. We’ve been through this whole song and dance before. The abortions didn’t stop, just a lot more women died.
They want to go back to women dying from abortions, because they think women who get abortions are murderers who deserve to die. Until it’s someone they know and suddenly the reasons for the abortion matter and they’re the special exception.
Obligatory The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion
Who the fuck said we had to choose either?
They did, and pointing that out will (I’m guessing) be met with some form of covering their ears and saying “nah nah nah I can’t hear you.”
I’ve seen the sort. When confronted with the real-world results of their moralizing, they retreat to quoting cherry-picked Bible verses and posting pictures of fetuses (“look how human she looks!”).
Random question but I’m just wondering your position on this. Is the burden of proof on pro-choice or pro-life advocates when it comes to the humanity of a fetus? In other words, should abortion be legal until we can prove that a fetus is human or should it be illegal until we can prove it isn’t? Just genuinely curious.
I mean the concept is not difficult to grasp. They are comparing one horrific thing to a group of thirty thousand horrific things and choosing the lesser evil. They are not “okay” with ten-year olds being raped… Claiming so is a reading comprehension error.
The issue here is that we don’t agree with them that those 30k other “horrific” events are all that horrific.
This is very well said. So many people make this out to be a men vs. women power struggle when it is really focused on whether a fetus is human or not. That’s why well-informed women can be pro-life, and well-informed men can be pro-choice.
It isn’t about whether or not a fetus is human. It’s about bodily autonomy. Making it a question about a fetus’s humanity misses the point. It’s a question about whether or not a person has control over their own body.
Exactly. It’s a fundamental difference of opinion, nothing else. We don’t know much about what a fetus can feel or sense prior to a certain number of weeks, in the normal case, I’m guessing. So opinions and assumptions, and straw men, take over the discourse and debates. It’s all set up to fail, and to keep your focus on something that can’t be resolved. Mission accomplished.
We don’t know much about what a fetus can feel or sense prior to a certain number of weeks, in the normal case, I’m guessing.
I’m pretty sure your guess is wrong. We really do have an excellent idea of progression of human progression from gametes to single cell all the way through to death from age.
There’s no accident in what stage of gestation abortions are allowed until in places where abortion is legal and regulated, medical professionals are interested in doing the least harm
Restricting abortion more than the medical profession recommends will do more harm than meeting their recommendations.
Anyone pushing greater or less restriction than recommended is not working toward the optimal solution
Got it.
You want to require 30,000 kids to be born to parents who don’t want them, just so you can force a 10-year-old victim to birth her rapist’s baby.
You want to require hundreds of loving mothers to endanger their lives by insisting that they continue to carry doomed pregnancies long after doctors have proven the fetus cannot survive and is in excruciating pain even before it is born. Why? So you can force a 10-year-old to bear her rapist’s child?
Go to hell, Kaya.
They all want to ban abortions but they don’t want their tax dollars “wasted” on healthcare for the mother/child, on school lunch programs, on food banks, on welfare for struggling families or bear any responsibility at all for the wellbeing of the child after its born.
Seems to me they don’t care about the children at all in most cases.
You missed an important bit. They want the ten year old raped and forced to carry their fathers child every year
It doesn’t even stop any other abortions though. It actually increases the number of abortions.