At this point I think the Right does this simply to get more publicity.
Pick an artist you know will call you out, and then use their music. When the band says they aren’t Right Wing it’s just more coverage. Even better, people will associate the movement with the music either way.
If the neo-nazis knew anything about Depeche, they would know how much they are hated by them.
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along
So awfully
Those lyrics - among many others - are aimed directly at the sort of intolerant scumbags that always seem to be festering in the right wing toilet of society, just as relevant today as it was in 1984 when the Some Great Reward album was released.
My only complaint is that it took 3 weeks
They were probably busy doing Depeche Mode things and didn’t hear about it right away 🤷
Adopting leftist music by perverting its meaning is pretty much the M.O. of far-right anthems/songs, no matter what the song was about originally. See: Tomorrow Belongs to Me, Fortunate son (to a milder extent), Born in the U.S.A as some of more well-known English examples.
I wonder if this was an attempt at doing precisely that, or was it just some publicity stunt for the movement.
Everything the far-right uses is stolen. Libertarian used to be synonymous with anarchist till they stole it. Hell they even went after anarchism directly when the invented the walking contraduction “anarcho-capitalism.” Every neo-nazi symbol is some cultural symbol they stole. Stealing stuff so others can’t use it is the far-right’s favorite pass-time.