Heyo. Been playing a bunch of PS5 lately due to life circumstances and kinda want to play with people. Although at times I’m just not gunna want to talk, so even if yo6y want to play and never speak I’m down.

-I normally play Rocket League, although I’m really disappointed by the recent news. -Just bought MW3 since I need a popular shooting game as Battlefield isn’t doing too well and I’m not the biggest fan of battle royals -Exoprimal has been so dumb it’s fun -I’ve been playing a bit of Balders gate and Cyberpunk but I’m not really a single player guy. Once you check my username it’ll make more sense lol -Mainly any multiplayer game I’m down to play

I also sometimes just don’t talk to people. Some people get mad and those relationships don’t last cause they think I’m purposely avoiding them. But I’m not lol I’m just avoiding everyone. Sorry but not sorry

IRL most people would see me as a jock. I played sports my whole life and I’m now starting to see all the effects lol :/ When I hang out with people I’m really social, but my socially batteries drain fairly quickly and require a long charge. My meme collection is pretty alright, although a bit dark at times. Will gladly share stuff that you’ve probably already seen cause we’re both here on Lemmy

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