Wear it on your chest and fuck them. 100%. never apologize. Make it their problem at every single opportunity and never let anyone forget it.
Light the Roman candles in your mind’s eye and flick off the entire town. For the next four fuckin years, I’m the kid with the loud exhaust and I’m making everybody deal with it.
Protests? Yes sir. Shooting right back at fascists the second they say something shitty? You bet. Not giving anyone in my family even a second’s bit of reprieve if they start shit during Christmas? With gusto. Scorched. Earth.
Direct action.
I would try to think of ways to support any potential resistance against the oppressors, anything i could get away with without drawing attention or getting into trouble if someone notices. Maybe something that might support someone who is willing to take bigger risks.
I live in quite decent country myself and even here i feel like i want to do something like that, seeing how world is going to shit and it will eventually reach here too when consequences start properly hitting. I dont want to even think about what i would want to do if i lived in actually repressive country like america. Nowdays i’m balancing between wanting to do good and cheering for the apocalypse. Mostly because i feel i cant do anything so not acting on evil thoughts feels like improvement.
State as in a country? Or as in a Red State of the USA?
If the latter, move to a Blue State & Blue City.
If the former, you’re kinda fucked. Try to move out if you can, or if not, you just have to deal with it like people have done so throughout the history of humankind with absolute-monarchies that used to dominate the world.
Thanks. And it’s The Motherland, you know which.
I continue to build my capital to be able to leave, but both the current state and others make leaving harder for obvious reasons. I’m kinda jelly now that my mates used their chance to study in Finland, Spain etc with a chance to get locked into citizenship when they were teens and I missed that opportunity. Now I need to work hard to even stay alive and work twice as hard to move, like it’s told in Alice series by Lewis Carrol. I love this book and despise it for how it’s real.
I was raised in repressive states in Latin America, and I had a lot of anxiety and depression that I thought was just normal until I came to college in the US.
Everyone is different, but I think I could have benefitted from the following advice: Defend yourself like a boxer against the ropes. Build up your strength and look for your moment. Always have a plan.