It’s working for the 600 top instances based on a list I found on the lemmyverse website.
It’s FOSS! Feel free to try and share!
First time I use a LLM right. Thanks for the app.
I don’t get it. This has never been an issue for me. When do you ever have to select this beyond settings?
This could be my lack of knowledge of the settings, but if you have multiple languages added, you have to choose the language.
This should honestly be part of the default WebUI.
Yes, it’s exactly that, I explained it in another reply
I also agree it should behave like that by default but I’m not really familiar with Lemmy’s front-end codebase to be able to do this myself, so I do what I can!
If you regularly post in multiple languages, you have to select them all in your user settings.
However, having multiple languages selected will always display the same language list in the same order, even if you don’t post in that language.
For example, I post mostly in french but sometimes in english as well. Well, the lemmy front-end always puts english at the start of the list so every time I post in french, I need to re-select it which is kind of annoying. This add-on does it for you!
Hmm I haven’t posted much in other languages but will test this out. Back when I was posting in Mandarin I never had to select anything.
Maybe because your community only allowed Mandarin? There can also be a community-wide scope that only allow certain languages, so if the community you post in mandarin-speaking only, that’s why you might not have needed to select anything.