2 is hot asf
TFW you think you’re top right but you’re definitely top left
EDIT : This is the four I thought of as a person working in tech
The misanthrope : they hate/don’t get on with people, that’s why they work with machines
The greedy prick : Tech is a good way of earning money, so they went into it.
The family man : Had someone in their family involved in STEM, and they picked up the skills and are normal people
The Autist : Autism powers go!
Who else was going to be out there chiseling rocks for hours on end to make spears and axes and etc?
People scare me and 30 minutes of sun will make my skin peel off. I belong with the machines.
The types I have worked with and personally been:
Sometimes the bottom right person is also one of the other three.
2 is hot asf
What is your counting order?
Left to right and top to bottom, top to bottom and left to right, or something else?
^(Just asking to know if we are both talking about the f̶u̶r̶r̶y̶ good boi :3)