Getting rid of daylight savings and staying on permanent standard would be great. When it becomes daylight savings time during the colder months it really does suck ad it gets darker earlier. Thus, I feel there is a lot less I want to do in the evenings. I like the slightly darker mornings and brighter evenings of standard.
Choosing one or the other would be good, though I feel like permanent standard over permanent savings still is a bit better.
Regardless, time change is annoying.
I really don’t care what time the sun sets or rises. Just stop messing with my body’s internal clock.
Maybe it’s my ADHD, but I simply can not understand how to read this map.
Pick one or the other. Or use UTC globally for all I care. Just stop changing the damn time!
I read a study once but cannot remember it.
It posited that lunch time should be half way through the daylight hours and the further away it was from this then the more effect it had on either mental or physical health (I don’t remember in it’s entirety.)