Most spears didnt have rounded spikes so you could still slash with them. Using the pole to whack people with was also common. They’re more like bladed staffs than anything else.
Yeah, but you’re talking about real spears, this is about videogame spears.
Playing Morrowind with the “use optimal attack” switched off did offer variety even if thrust was by and far best
thrust, sure fine. It’s okay.
Ineffective bonk or thwack? embarassing. humiliating. Just plain silly.
Tossing the whole damn spear? Amazing. Doubly so when you land a headshot.
Glaives it is then.
Lest we forget halberds.
I actually go for spears or other polearms whenever possible, they are way cooler than swords to me.
Me too. Sadly, spears rarely get much love in RPGs. I’ve always wanted a) spears to qualify as finesse weapons and b) to make a dexterity build that dances about with a spear and takes advantage of distance. Just recently I started replaying neverwinter nights, with PRC (like every DND race/class combo) to experiment with builds.
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