It’s me. I am calling myself out.
Its not really failing is it 😢
It’s probably very much failing according to the corporate metrics of infinite growth. Good!
I mean, I don’t think it’s gaining users, and is losing some. I’d love to see any statistics that prove me wrong
Here are some charts.
Active Users seem to be slightly declining, but overall users and posts are growing (slowly but steady).
The big cuts in the-federation.info I suspect to be bot purges.
not going to lie, if a femcel came over and started doing stuff on my linux box, even more than what i knew, that would be the first time i would get hearts in my eyes.
“so how did you meet your partner?” “oh she made me some very nice dotfiles for my system. i thought id never meet someone with such grace on the keyboard and beauty in the glow of the screen” “what the fuck?”
EDIT: msg me if you want see my dotfiles ;)
my linux box
Ya know, I’d love it if a femcel came over and played with my box as well :3
Hey! We do good work with our popularity <3
Good work?
A ton of similar communities on sites like reddit aren’t so supportive. Like many mentally ill communities, they feed off of their worst instincts instead of their best. That may be rewarding, but it also convinces people that they can continue being horrible to themselves.
I’m really proud of everyone here for not wallowing in our self hatred. I want us to be open about our struggles and insecurities, but I also hope we can offer a helping hand to each other as well. We can’t be perfect, but we can try our best to be good.
I can’t and won’t force people to “get help,” because I know it doesn’t work like that. The only person who can save oneself is oneself. Our life is our responsibility, not just because that’s how it should be, but because that’s how it truly works. We can only get what we give at most, so I want to make sure people get a fair exchange while they’re here.
I just think
Are pretty neat
Yes. Yes you are.