Because most climate activists are seen as spoiled kids who don’t have jobs or other obligations. So when they protest it’s seen as them inconveniencing regular people, whose daily struggles they can’t even fathom, all because the protestors have nothing better to do.
Meanwhile farmers are seen as hardworking with strong community ties. So when they take time and equipment to protest something, it’s seen as something that must be important and worthwhile. Plus, there’s a deep feeling of unease that comes over most people when they see things that threaten to fuck with the food supply.
Because farmers vote for the right and the far right who own most of the media ?
farmers vote for the right
The majority of field hands don’t vote, either because they don’t have legal residency where they’re working or they don’t have access to voting infrastructure due to their ghettoization or they don’t have citizenship under current naturalization laws.
The folks who vote are the exurban land-owners and their administrative staff. They’re regularly organized within religious institutions to instill certain socio-economic ideology, they are promoted based on their fealty to the local land barons, and they benefit from the disenfranchisement of their landless field hands which gives them a strong incentive to defend the anti-democratic status quo.
FarmersLarge Land Owners
“Fuck starmer support the farmer”
I can just see the grin on his farmer face when came up with that one after a couple of ciders
because they are right wing