Day 12: Garden Groups
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I spent a while thinking about how to best do a flood fill in Uiua when I saw that β
(partition) works beautifully with multidimensional markers: βGroups are formed from markers that are adjacent along any axis.β, meaning I just had to convert all letters into numbers and Iβd get all indices belonging to a field into an array.
For part 2, I cheated a bit by coming here and reading that you only need to count the edges. To my surprise, the second part is actually a bit faster than part 1. Takes less than 0.2 seconds each though :D
Run with example input here
N β +[0_Β―1 0_1 Β―1_0 1_0]
Areas β ββ‘:β‘β³.+1βββ
Peri β -/+β‘(/+βNΒ€)βΒ€β(Γ4⧻)
Sides β (
+β(Γ2/+/+β§(β[[1_0 0_1][0_1 1_0]])2_2β)
Cost! β /+β‘β(Γ^0β⧻)
PartOne β (
# &rs β &fo "input-12.txt"
βββ @\n.
Cost!Peri Areas
PartTwo β (
# &rs β &fo "input-12.txt"
βββ @\n.
Cost!Sides Areas
&p "Day 12:"
&pf "Part 1: "
&p PartOne
&pf "Part 2: "
&p PartTwo
Areas are found by flooding, in the meantime whenever the adjacent plot would be outside the region (or out of bounds) the edge (inside plot, outside plot) is saved in a perimeter list. Part 1 takes just the size of that list, in part 2 we remove fence parts and all entries directly next to it on both sides.
use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque};
use euclid::{default::*, point2, vec2};
type Fences = HashSet<(Point2D<i32>, Point2D<i32>)>;
const DIRS: [Vector2D<i32>; 4] = [vec2(0, -1), vec2(1, 0), vec2(0, 1), vec2(-1, 0)];
fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<&[u8]> {
input.lines().map(|l| l.as_bytes()).collect()
fn price(field: &[&[u8]], start: (usize, usize), visited: &mut [Vec<bool>]) -> (u32, Fences) {
let crop = field[start.1][start.0];
let width = field[0].len();
let height = field.len();
let mut area_visited = vec![vec![false; width]; height];
let mut area = 0;
let mut fences: Fences = HashSet::new();
area_visited[start.1][start.0] = true;
visited[start.1][start.0] = true;
let start = point2(start.0 as i32, start.1 as i32);
let bounds = Rect::new(Point2D::origin(), Size2D::new(width, height).to_i32());
let mut frontier = VecDeque::from([start]);
while let Some(p) = frontier.pop_front() {
area += 1;
for dir in DIRS {
let next = p + dir;
if bounds.contains(next) {
let next_u = next.to_usize();
if area_visited[next_u.y][next_u.x] {
if field[next_u.y][next_u.x] == crop {
visited[next_u.y][next_u.x] = true;
area_visited[next_u.y][next_u.x] = true;
fences.insert((p, next));
(area, fences)
fn part1(input: String) {
let field = parse(&input);
let width = field[0].len();
let height = field.len();
let mut visited = vec![vec![false; width]; height];
let mut total_price = 0;
for y in 0..height {
for x in 0..width {
if !visited[y][x] {
let (area, fences) = price(&field, (x, y), &mut visited);
total_price += area * fences.len() as u32;
fn count_perimeter(mut fences: Fences) -> u32 {
let list: Vec<_> = fences.iter().copied().collect();
let mut perimeter = 0;
for (v, w) in list {
if fences.contains(&(v, w)) {
perimeter += 1;
let dir = w - v;
let orth = dir.yx();
let mut next = v + orth;
while fences.remove(&(next, next + dir)) {
next += orth;
let mut next = v - orth;
while fences.remove(&(next, next + dir)) {
next -= orth;
fn part2(input: String) {
let field = parse(&input);
let width = field[0].len();
let height = field.len();
let mut visited = vec![vec![false; width]; height];
let mut total_price = 0;
for y in 0..height {
for x in 0..width {
if !visited[y][x] {
let (area, fences) = price(&field, (x, y), &mut visited);
total_price += area * count_perimeter(fences);
Also on github
No big trouble today, just a bit of careful debugging of my part 2 logic for which I was greatly helped by some Redditorβs testcase π
Happy to have gotten it all in the single flood fill function without any extra passes.
#include "common.h"
#define GZ 144
static char g[GZ][GZ];
static char seen[GZ][GZ];
static void
count(char c, int x, int y, int *area, int *perim, int *sides)
if (g[y][x] != c) { (*perim)++; return; }
if (seen[y][x]) return;
*area += 1;
seen[y][x] = 1;
/* count start of top/left edges, end of bottom/right edges */
*sides += g[y-1][x]!=c && ((g[y-1][x-1]==c) || (g[y][x-1]!=c));
*sides += g[y+1][x]!=c && ((g[y+1][x+1]==c) || (g[y][x+1]!=c));
*sides += g[y][x-1]!=c && ((g[y-1][x-1]==c) || (g[y-1][x]!=c));
*sides += g[y][x+1]!=c && ((g[y+1][x+1]==c) || (g[y+1][x]!=c));
count(c, x, y-1, area, perim, sides);
count(c, x, y+1, area, perim, sides);
count(c, x-1, y, area, perim, sides);
count(c, x+1, y, area, perim, sides);
main(int argc, char **argv)
int p1=0,p2=0, x,y, area, perim, sides;
if (argc > 1)
DISCARD(freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin));
for (y=1; fgets(g[y]+1, GZ-2, stdin); y++)
assert(y+1 < GZ);
for (y=1; y<GZ-1; y++)
for (x=1; x<GZ-1; x++)
if (isalpha(g[y][x]) && !seen[y][x]) {
area = perim = sides = 0;
count(g[y][x], x, y, &area, &perim, &sides);
p1 += area * perim;
p2 += area * sides;
printf("12: %d %d\n", p1, p2);
I essentially used flood fill to collect each region. Part 1 was then relatively easy: for each point, check how many neighbors are outside of the region.
Part 2 took me forever, and I ended up looking for hints online, where I discovered that an easy way to count the number of sides is to instead count the number of corners. Doing this for βnormalβ corners (e.g. in a square) was relatively easy, but βreverse cornersβ took me a long time. Corners like here what we see in the NE corner of the first C
in the third row here:
Iβm more or less happy with my solution, but my brain is now totally fried.
use std::collections::HashSet;
use crate::grid::{Coordinate, Direction, Grid};
use crate::solver::DaySolver;
fn perimeter_score(c: Coordinate, grid: &MyGrid) -> usize {
let plant_type = grid[c];
.map(|d| grid.neighbor_in_direction(c, d))
.map(|c_opt| match c_opt {
None => 1,
Some(c) => if grid[c] == plant_type {
} else {
type MyGrid = Grid<char>;
struct Region {
plant_type: char,
coordinates: HashSet<Coordinate>,
impl Region {
fn new(plant_type: char, coordinates: HashSet<Coordinate>) -> Region {
Region { plant_type, coordinates }
fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Coordinate> {
fn part1_score(&self, grid: &MyGrid) -> usize {
self.coordinates.len() * self.coordinates.iter().map(|c| perimeter_score(*c, grid)).sum::<usize>()
fn part2_score(&self, grid: &MyGrid) -> usize {
let area = self.coordinates.len();
let sides = self.number_of_corners(grid);
area * sides
fn number_of_corners(&self, grid: &MyGrid) -> usize {
.map(|coordinate| {
// How many corners do we have from here?
// println!("Checking {}", border_coordinate);
let corner_count = Direction::diagonal_iter()
.filter(|corner_direction| {
// Either:
// 1) Both neighbor directions are not 100% in the region
// 2) Both neighbors are in the region, but the corner itself isn't
let corner_in_region = match grid.neighbor_in_direction(coordinate, *corner_direction) {
None => false,
Some(c) => self.coordinates.contains(&c),
let both_neighbors_not_in_region = corner_direction.neighbor_directions().iter()
.all(|direction| match grid.neighbor_in_direction(coordinate, *direction) {
None => true,
Some(c) => !self.coordinates.contains(&c),
let both_neighbors_in_region = corner_direction.neighbor_directions().iter()
.all(|direction| match grid.neighbor_in_direction(coordinate, *direction) {
None => false,
Some(c) => self.coordinates.contains(&c),
both_neighbors_not_in_region || (both_neighbors_in_region && !corner_in_region)
// println!("Corner count = {}", corner_count);
fn parse_input(input: String) -> MyGrid {
.map(|line| line.chars().collect())
fn find_region_at(grid: &MyGrid, start: Coordinate) -> Region {
let plant_type = grid[start];
let mut coordinates = HashSet::new();
let mut frontier = vec![start];
while let Some(coordinate) = frontier.pop() {
if grid[coordinate] == plant_type && !coordinates.contains(&coordinate) {
Region::new(plant_type, coordinates)
fn find_regions(grid: &MyGrid) -> Vec<Region> {
let mut visited_coordinates: HashSet<Coordinate> = HashSet::new();
let mut regions = vec![];
for coordinate in grid.coordinates_iter() {
if !visited_coordinates.contains(&coordinate) {
let region = find_region_at(grid, coordinate);
pub struct Day12Solver;
impl DaySolver for Day12Solver {
fn part1(&self, input: String) -> usize {
let grid = parse_input(input);
let regions = find_regions(&grid);
.map(|region| region.part1_score(&grid))
fn part2(&self, input: String) -> usize {
let grid = parse_input(input);
let regions = find_regions(&grid);
.map(|region| region.part2_score(&grid))
Counting the number of corners was a very useful hint for part 2. I had the most trouble with detecting the double corners, i.e. like in the example where the two B fields touch diagonally:
Still, I wouldβve taken a lot longer and probably made really-bad-performance-code without reading this :D
Part 1: Simple DFS counting up the cells and exposed edges
Part 2: Still DFS, however I chose to keep track of all segments of the area, merging them if two segments connected. In the end, number of non-overlapping, non-intersecting segments is equal to number of sides. Not the most efficient solution, but it works.
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# paths
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
filepath = os.path.join(here, "input.txt")
# read input
with open(filepath, mode="r", encoding="utf8") as f:
data =
# setup input vars
garden = data.splitlines()
m, n = len(garden), len(garden[0])
def part1():
visited = set()
def calcFenceCostFrom(i, j):
"""Calculates the fencing cost of the region starting from coords (i, j)"""
global garden, m, n
plant_type = garden[i][j]
stack = [(i, j)]
area, perimeter = 0, 0
while stack:
ci, cj = stack.pop()
if (ci, cj) in visited:
visited.add((ci, cj))
# add cell to area
area += 1
# check top cell
if ci > 0 and garden[ci - 1][cj] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci - 1, cj))
# if no top cell, add the edge to perimeter
perimeter += 1
# check left cell
if cj > 0 and garden[ci][cj - 1] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci, cj - 1))
# if no left cell, add the edge to perimeter
perimeter += 1
# check bottom cell
if ci < m - 1 and garden[ci + 1][cj] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci + 1, cj))
# if no bottom cell, add the edge to perimeter
perimeter += 1
# check right cell
if cj < n - 1 and garden[ci][cj + 1] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci, cj + 1))
# if no right cell, add the edge to perimeter
perimeter += 1
return area * perimeter
# calculate fencing cost for every region
fencing_cost = 0
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
if (i, j) in visited:
fencing_cost += calcFenceCostFrom(i, j)
def part2():
visited = set()
def calcFenceCostFrom(i, j):
"""Calculates the fencing cost of the region starting from coords (i, j)"""
global garden, m, n
plant_type = garden[i][j]
stack = [(i, j)]
area = 0
# keep track of all distinct, non-intersecting horizontal and vertical segments
segments = {
"H": defaultdict(set),
"V": defaultdict(set)
} # fmt: skip
while stack:
ci, cj = stack.pop()
if (ci, cj) in visited:
visited.add((ci, cj))
# add cell to area
area += 1
# check top cell
if ci > 0 and garden[ci - 1][cj] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci - 1, cj))
# record edge segment
ei = ci - 0.25 # push out the horizontal segment
segment_set = segments["H"][ei]
ej_from, ej_to = cj - 0.5, cj + 0.5 # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
merge_segments(segment_set, ej_from, ej_to) # merge with current segment set
# check left cell
if cj > 0 and garden[ci][cj - 1] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci, cj - 1))
# record edge segment
ej = cj - 0.25 # push out the vertical segment
segment_set = segments["V"][ej]
ei_from, ei_to = ci - 0.5, ci + 0.5 # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
merge_segments(segment_set, ei_from, ei_to) # merge with current segment set
# check bottom cell
if ci < m - 1 and garden[ci + 1][cj] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci + 1, cj))
# record edge segment
ei = ci + 0.25 # push out the horizontal segment
segment_set = segments["H"][ei]
ej_from, ej_to = cj - 0.5, cj + 0.5 # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
merge_segments(segment_set, ej_from, ej_to) # merge with current segment set
# check right cell
if cj < n - 1 and garden[ci][cj + 1] == plant_type:
stack.append((ci, cj + 1))
# record edge segment
ej = cj + 0.25 # push out the vertical segment
segment_set = segments["V"][ej]
ei_from, ei_to = ci - 0.5, ci + 0.5 # extend the segment to connect with neighbors
merge_segments(segment_set, ei_from, ei_to) # merge with current segment set
# number of distinct segments == number of sides
sides = sum(len(segment_set) for seg_dict in segments.values() for segment_set in seg_dict.values())
return area * sides
def merge_segments(segment_set: set, idx_from: int, idx_to: int):
"""Merge segment into existing segment set"""
# find any overlapping / intersecting segments before and after current
former_segment, latter_segment = None, None
for s_from, s_to in segment_set:
if s_from < idx_from and s_to >= idx_from:
former_segment = (s_from, s_to)
if s_to > idx_to and s_from <= idx_to:
latter_segment = (s_from, s_to)
if former_segment is None and latter_segment is None:
# there is no overlapping segment
segment_set.add((idx_from, idx_to))
elif former_segment == latter_segment:
# the overlap segment contains our full segment
elif former_segment is None:
# there is a latter segment only
segment_set.add((idx_from, latter_segment[1]))
elif latter_segment is None:
# there is a former segment only
segment_set.add((former_segment[0], idx_to))
# both are disconnected segments
segment_set.add((former_segment[0], latter_segment[1]))
fencing_cost = 0
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
if (i, j) in visited:
fencing_cost += calcFenceCostFrom(i, j)