Lean into this and always have a lengthy, detailed presentation ready to go at the drop of a hat. Just an absolute knowledge vomit.
They’ll do this once and never again.
I’ve always heard the worst thing about a scientist is that they won’t shut up if you ask them about what’s going on in their field.
In the same vein: Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud.
After a while you realize the pig likes it.
After a while you realize the pig likes it.
That’s what makes them an engineer: Piling argument upon counterargument to understand the topic, the arguments, their shortcomings and another person’s understanding of the topic vs arguing to be right.
I love engineering because there’s objective right and wrong. Either the machine will work or it won’t; you can’t bullshit physical reality.
For some reason I thought someone had edited this picture and changed the people in it. I was wrong but since I spent so long going thru my archives to find it I thought I’d share
I will not answer further questions about this picture
Leftmost kid has the same expression as the kid from an older meme. Is it the same person?
My brother and I are in the US but different states, and our parents and sister are in the Philippines. During a rare reunion, we recreated several of our old family photos from the '70s and '80s. It was so funny, especially when my 45-year-old brother tried to sit on my mom’s lap.
If that’s your family in the photo, you guys have got to try recreating it as grown-ups. 😁
Yeah, sure! But first: how are your meaningless, unfullfilling bullshit-jobs going, that you’re wasting huge portions of your life on? O no, wait, I couldn’t care less, sorry.